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Give up the fight: you don't need to prove yourself.

by Lisa L. Payne.
Have you thought about giving yourself the gift of self-love this Christmas? How would that change your life?
Think about it… From the minute you wake, you would consciously fill yourself with loving affirmations like: I am beautiful; I am healthy; I look fabulous in this outfit; I am capable; I am on time; I’ve got it all together. Instant of the usual recording: I look awful; I feel old; I need to lose weight; I am not prepared; I am never on time.
Imagine how this shift in energy would change your day? Do you think it would be noticeably different? Consider how light you would feel if you loved every ounce of yourself as soon as you woke each day. You’d probably even see results on the scale, not that it matters… Instead of fighting ourselves let’s start loving ourselves and see what difference it makes.
For as long as I can remember, I have been fighting the good fight. I have fought my appearance, my body, my weight, my pain. I have fought externally, to get the attention, approval and recognition that I thought that I deserved for being such a good girl. I have fought to keep personal relationships in tact (yes, even the toxic ones) so I could prove that I was, indeed, lovable. I have fought to keep teams on track in the workplace to prove that I was worthy of the respect the position commanded.
Does this sound familiar to you? Can you relate? If so, then you’ll not be surprise to learn that all this fighting really did was make me completely exhausted. It didn’t improve how I felt about myself. It didn’t improve the relationships. It didn’t improve the dynamics in the workplace. Ultimately, it just left me feeling like a complete failure.
So how about you and I both let ourselves off the hook? How about we give up the good fight and stop trying to prove ourselves to everyone else? Why not concentrate on just BEING and “being for the sake of being” without an ulterior motive?
Let’s get this straight: We don’t have to fix anything or anybody. We are here to accept people as they are just as we have to accept ourselves for the magnificent creatures that we are. That’s it? Yes, that’s it.
Can you feel that relief? Do you feel like the weight of the world has left your shoulders?
Did you know that it was never your responsibility to save the world? Did you know that it never has been and never will be your responsibility to make anybody else happy?
Your only responsibility is to ensure that you are showing up every day, honoring the Divine being of light whose job it is to spread more light and love into this world. That is why you are here. There is nothing else to prove.
You don’t have to fight for what is your Divine right. As a Diving being, you are beautiful just the way you are. When you connect with your core, you will see the light in others. You will know the truth. You will honour your relationships and position in life (at work and at home) with love and it will expand. You will feel weightless because you will no longer carry the burdens of the past.
Now go forth and BE light and love. You’ll see that this is the best gift you can give yourself and others this holiday season. You’ll see that it is what you will receive in return without having fought for it at all.
To get your guide to create the best Christmas ever, click here.
Author of “What If They Knew? Secrets of an Impressive Woman”, Lisa L. Payne is a life transitions coach and motivational speaker who lives in Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada. She holds a Certified Professional Coaching designation and a Master’s degree in Employment Relations from Memorial University. Lisa is passionate about helping her clients move through life transitions with grace and confidence so they can create lives that excite them. Her personal story of challenge and triumph was featured in “Freeing Godiva: A Woman’s Journey of Self-Empowerment.” You can find out more about Lisa or follow her on-line at: LisaLPayne.com, WhatIfTheyKnew.com, Facebook, Twitter, and Linked in.