Flat Belly Workout with the Go Fit Gals

By on January 27, 2014
flat stomach

Yeah, we know, you can’t spot train. We know that you can’t do a bunch of ab exercises and then all of a sudden wake up with a flatter belly (too bad though, eh?).

But, we wanted a catchy title for our workout so that you would do it! Is it working???

Nonetheless, no matter what we name the darn thing it’s an awesome workout!

This particular ab workout we recommend that you add after your next strength training workout, or use it as stand alone workout when you are craving a little extra ab training.

Watch the video, do the workout and then let us know below what your favourite ab exercise is.

BONUS: we have two videos of this workout. One is a short Coles-Notes version to give you a general idea of what the workout is, while the second video is the full workout with instructions and tips from PJ. See below for our Coles-Notes version and head to our YouTube channel for the whole workout.

[youtube id=”oPmSC6yUX2E” width=”620″ height=”360″]

gofit5The Go Fit Gals are your experts in fitness and nutrition for women from new mommies to menopause. We provide the coaching and the inspiration to get our members strong, healthy and confident through our unique online programs based on eating clean and training dirty.


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