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Finding Peace with Food: The Three Pillars of Transformation

by Sandra Elia
Discovering the Path to Peace with Food
Imagine a life where food no longer controls you, where you find solace and empowerment in your relationship with nourishment. This journey from turmoil with food to inner serenity is one that countless individuals have embarked on, and today, I want to share with you the three pillars of making peace with food, a path that has transformed many lives.
Just like a sturdy stool with three legs, these pillars are the foundation for lasting change. As we delve into this transformative journey, always remember that true change begins with self-acceptance and unwavering self-love, the kind that remains steadfast regardless of the number on the scale.
Pillar One: Eliminating Trigger Foods
Our voyage toward peace with food commences with the first pillar: “Eliminating or Reducing Trigger Foods.” Trigger foods are those tempting, often processed delights that can lure us into compulsive eating, leaving us feeling helpless. These are the foods we obsess over, unable to stop once we start. It’s crucial to recognize that trigger foods are not sources of comfort or treats; they are, in fact, chemically engineered “food-like substances” that have held us captive for far too long.
In his enlightening book, “The End of Overeating,” David Kessler reveals how the food industry skillfully combines sugar, fat, and salt to rewire our brains, keeping us craving more. It’s time for a shift in perception, my friends. We must view these foods not as treats but as traps. Every day you resist compulsive overeating, you grow stronger, rewiring your brain and dissipating the fog of craving. Your self-efficacy expands, and the journey becomes more manageable. Remember, this commitment isn’t for a lifetime; it’s a pledge for today, the very point where transformation commences.
Pillar Two: Developing Spirituality and Mindfulness
Addictive eating is mindless eating, and one of the antidotes is mindfulness. If you’ve struggled with your eating or weight for years, maybe even decades, this can clip away at your self-esteem and self-worth.
Spirituality is a healing balm; it is remembering who you truly are. You were born with the spark of the Divine, and that spark still lives in you. Spirituality is about connecting to your magnificence, to a place inside of you that is calm and knowing. Spirituality is about tapping into your authentic self, where compulsion doesn’t live—a place where you don’t experience fear or rage, but rather a place of inner peace, power, and magnificence. You can access this place in your stillness and breath—this is where your power lives.
We were all born with the spark of the Divine, an inner strength and wisdom. It’s still part of you today. You may just have lost your connection to it.
Pillar Three: Belonging to a Support Network
No one embarks on this voyage alone. The third pillar, “Belonging to a Support Network,” is where you find your people, and your community. Seek out a place that is inclusive, safe, and welcoming, where you can cultivate your intuitive voice—a voice that encourages self-love and a life filled with meaning. Whether you discover it in a local support group or an online community, connecting with others who share your journey is invaluable.
In conclusion, understand that this voyage is not a competition with others but a profound, enlightening expedition toward inner harmony—with yourself, your body, and your life. The three pillars of transformation—Eliminating Trigger Foods, Developing Spirituality and Mindfulness, and Belonging to a Support Network—lay the groundwork for your metamorphosis. Even if you stumble along the way, keep returning to these pillars, for they serve as your guiding lights on the path to peace with food.
Within you lies the power to break free, rediscover your strength and authenticity, and nurture the self-love you undeniably deserve. Your journey toward food serenity is a testament to your resilience and bravery. Embrace it, and may it lead you to a life filled with joy, health, and inner peace.
Sandra Elia is a Certified Food Addiction Counselor and a trailblazer in the field of addictive eating. Her expertise has brought about partnerships with Canada’s top obesity and addiction doctors. Her Food Addiction Recovery Program has yielded tremendous success. Patients report improved health, improved sense of well being, most importantly, changing their relationship with food.
Sandra created and facilitates an outpatient Food Addiction Recovery Program in medical clinics across Canada. She co-created Canada’s first 28-day residential treatment program for food addiction at Renascent Addiction Rehab Centre in Toronto.
Sandra knows firsthand the struggle of living with obesity. She has lived two lives: one as a morbidly obese woman for 15 years. She experienced a world that was not made for her size, seeking assistance from biased healthcare providers, and dealing with fat-shaming. Since those difficult days, Sandra has transformed her life and her body, losing over 100 pounds. Sandra is a Best-Selling Author of Never Enough: Three Pillars of Food Addiction Recovery.