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February 2017 Sun Sign Horoscopes by Maya White
February 2017
Aries – (March 20 – April 18) Declare you role as a Sacred Warrior. You are a protector, a courageous soul, and your mission is to be a defender. Aries is a sign of individual action, but this is your time to act on behalf of the collective. Mars, your planetary ruler enters your sign on February 3rd; an act that empowers you. Mars is in his sign of liberation for a reason. The stakes are high, and it’s clearly your time for action.
Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Stand strong this month, Taurus. If you feel uncertain about your future, stand by what you do know to be true, and don’t worry about any predictions. What you want is changing, and will continue to do so until the middle of this year. Figure out what’s really important and let the rest go. If you play your cards right, you can remain an observer and not become the pawn in a battle that has no winner.
Gemini – (May 20 – June 19) It’s important that you are not misled – either by yourself or others. February is a critical month for discernment; if in doubt – wait it out. Decisions made now have a long lasting reverberation. With Mars, Pluto, and Uranus in the mix, you may feel as though there is an epic battle over whom and what creates your future. But this is why you must hold on to the driver’s wheel; make it all about YOU.
Cancer – (June 20 – July 21) February may well be a turning point for your life, Cancer. Your sign sits within range of a dramatic line up of action starting planets and signs, so some type of an adjustment is likely. However, with Jupiter present, any changes that occur at this time will also come with a hidden blessing. Do not to loan or borrow money. Make decisions based on how they will impact you, not your partner or family members.
Leo – (July 22 – August 21) Provocative information comes to Light this month, Leo. Your mission is to make an educated decision. Critical thinking is your secret to success because, honestly, there’s an extraordinary amount of tom-foolery in the recesses of hidden information. Don’t fall for a sob story! Some things need to get straightened out, and you’re the one to do it. Move beyond the façade and claim your rightful place on the throne.
Virgo – (August 22 – September 21) The New Moon of February 26th signals the end of an era. However, it’s not quite the clean break that you’d like. There are still some lingering ends to tie up, but surrender graciously because something quite grand waits. When you add your true inspiration and effort to the situation you can shift quickly into a place of vitality. Allow excitement to feed your soul, Virgo, and look ahead, not back.
Libra – (September 22 – October 21) Relationships are on the front burner now as Mars and Venus light up your partnership sector. However, there is a testing period that will ripen by month’s end when Uranus ignites the situation – for better or worse. Oh yeah; and then Venus goes retrograde in March. You need time, Libra. Gather stability so that you’re not overwhelmed when things don’t go as planned. Slow and steady wins this race.
Scorpio – (October 22 – November 20) Approach this dynamic month like an actor in a play. Keep your lines and script in order, pay attention to your cues, and you’re home free. There is an ethereal and non-personal quality to this time period, and you may feel overlooked because everyone is preoccupied with their own issues. But don’t take it personally; with minimum effort you slide into the starring role of maximum success.
Sagittarius – (November 21– December 19) Nothing clears your head better than a change of scenery, and February is looking like a great time for a Sag walk about. Get some fresh air and stay the course with your path of delight. There are also commitments in your utopia, Sag, but with just a bit of effort, your obligations can be turned into pillars of support. Claim your inner peace, and the world becomes a peaceful place for you.
Capricorn – (December 20 – January 18) Let this month be a bold new beginning, With Mars and Uranus forming a dramatic square to Pluto, you may feel uncertainty because of the rapid speed of events. There is pressure everywhere. Hopefully it’s not personally directed at you, but, if you are on the receiving end of bad behavior, stand strong because you have the upper hand. Just state the obvious and you’ll win big time.
Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) This year holds some classic signatures of major financial success. To get things off to a good start, it’s critical that you monitor expenses and get clear about your goals. The New Moon of February 26th is a rich opportunity to get going on the right path. If you don’t become proactive and claim your desire for success, you risk walking a default path of slow losses. Choose victory, Aquarius.
Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) February begins a major new cycle for you, Pisces. Although it may feel a bit bumpy in the beginning, this is ultimately a great move for your financial success. By the end of this year, you’ll be aligned more than ever with the work of your heart and soul. The planets are truly standing guard for you now as you move with certainty into an era of deeper freedom. Embrace this gift of life and love.
Maya White, Astrologer and Life Purpose Guide
Maya is a professional astrologer and Life Purpose Guide certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a type of astrology that helps identify your best places for success. Her all original horoscopes have been featured around the world and are noted for inspiration and practical tips on how to apply the wisdom of the stars to real life.
As a writer and spiritual teacher, Maya is a frequent guest on radio and other media outlets. She is also the creator of the Easy Astrology Oracle Cards and guidebook, published by Hay House. She is currently working on two projects: the ‘Sacred Earth Oracle’ card deck and a series of books titled ‘The Astrology Code; Keys to Unlock Your Life’.
In addition to Astro*Carto*Graphy relocation astrology and travel, Maya’s passion in astrology is going deeply into Life Purpose. She is committed to positive outcomes and helping people integrate the unique Astrology Code that is found in their charts.