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f* it! (*forgive) with Abby McDonald
What is it about us holding on to anger and old wounds, forever-and-ever-amen? I’ve often asked myself this question, when the people who we are begrudging are hardly thinking of us at all, totally clued out and merrily moving on with their lives.
Don’t get me wrong, people have the capacity to do some horrible things, out of their own pain which makes it difficult to forgive. I totally get it: “bad things happen to nice people” all the time.
However, what I’ve discovered is that peace of mind preserves your power & your PEACE. The more you scheme for vengeance, sticking it to them with a “Voodoo doll” behind the scenes, the more you rob yourself of experiencing all of the good stuff in front of you in the Now.
Unforgiveness is kinda like working overtime in a full time job and not getting paid for it. Who wants to get paid? I know I do; my time is valuable and so is yours. Catch my drift?
And so I say F* it meaning Forgive it already. Why waste your precious energy on something you can’t fix or change? Be done with it and keep it moving!
The truth of the matter is, you may not ever get that apology you’re desiring. The ex husband or boyfriend of yours who took off and married the woman he had the affair with is moving on with his life and making himself happy.
And the more you hang on to your feelings of resentment and bitterness, the more you hurt yourself in the process.
You see, to F* it really has a lot to do with freeing yourself of pain all in the name of Self Love. The more you pine over what could have been or should have been, you stunt your growth and you give your power away to the past.
And guess what? The past is an illusion, the moment is GONE, and you cannot get it back. All you can do is live in the now and steer your thoughts more positively in the direction of where you would like your life to be.
You free up so-o-o much of your energetic field when you Forgive it already so that you can allow your good to flow to you, Prince Charming can actually find you & you open your vessel to receive the many blessings just waiting to enter your life.
I know it can be hard sometimes, believe you me, but if you love yourself, you’ll find the courage to do it. You see, the “Real You” is a compassionate, kind, loving person created to be all that you can be.
You have so much to offer the world with your unique qualities, quirks & gifts that you simply have got no time to be wasting it on those that don’t appreciate you.
You are worthy–yes you I’m talking to–so you’d better believe it!
Time to get your thoughts and energy aligned with the truth about who you really are, designed in perfection with intent & purpose.
A brand new year is approaching, my friends! Join in on the celebration with me by sharing what you’re ready to say F* it to.
Yes it’s time to inherit the promises in your life.
Your freedom awaits!
With love,
Abby xo
Abby McDonald knows what it’s like to live life fiercely and courageously. She started out her career in the financial services industry 17 years ago with the intent of becoming a trader only to be fired to her dismay. Through a lot of soul searching she stumbled upon the Executive Search business 13 years ago, while successfully running her own firm for the past 6 years called Dynamic Synergy Group Inc. Abby McDonald has coached and interviewed many people over the years and has developed a love and passion for helping women to discover who they “Really Are” in both their Life & Career. Her latest business venture is www.talkwithabby.com, a spiritually infused, inspirational site offering Life & Career coaching services as well as providing a platform for Advice for those who seek it. Stay tuned for her upcoming book entitled “Loved and Not Forgotten – A Journey to Transformation” coming soon. Find Abby on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest!