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“Easter Reflections: Rebirth, renewal and the ongoing spirit.”
By Amanda Racanovic
Easter is an annual event that attracts chocolate lovers and children in force, but there is a deeper reason for the empowered woman to love this spiritual time of year, and for her to feel a desire to bring true joy – unlike the temporary pleasure that chocolate brings.
A time of hope, renewal and new life, Easter runs concurrent in the northern hemisphere with spring, and the burgeoning of blossoms, babies and bounty. However, it is also a time for us to contemplate and consider: how much life is there in my life? How much passion is there in my story? Have I given into apathy, or am I motivated and inspired to share my love with others, and to live my best life?
Whether you read it literally or not, the resurrection of Christ metaphorically alludes to our being able to raise our spirit in order to transcend times of darkness and despair. For me, this story is about the longevity of the human spirit, and how we have the ability and potential there, innately within us, to set our soul truly free. Yet it is often only in times of the greatest darkness, the periods post-trauma and suffering, that we will realize that we have this power. As Leonard Cohen writes: “There is a crack in everything: that’s how the light gets in.”
We each have the ability to rebirth ourselves, every day, through our commitment to self-care and self-love. We have the ability to cultivate rituals that nourish and infuse our soul with those things that bring it true joy and light. Make your own life your own priority, and not someone else’s. It’s the same always in relationships. I remember in my wedding speech, saying to my husband in front of our small party of guests: “In that time, I discovered true love. And then, I met you.”
We are responsible for our own rebirthing, by placing faith in our own love of self. In doing this, we will naturally wish to pass the love we feel to another, as we discover how the light of freedom fills us in acts of kindness and healing. There will always be days of darkness, but it is up to the empowered woman, to paraphrase Martin Luther King Jr. to be the light that drives out darkness, the love that drives out hate.
This Easter, realize that this is a time celebrating those who have found their inner light, and a time anticipating the resurrection of the spirit dormant or buried in the unknowing. We are ongoing, our spirits will endure and there is no need to fear if we nourish our souls with the good, the true, the honest and the pure. If we embrace our authenticity, and if we live our lives, joyfully and with passion.
Amanda Racanovic lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her two daughters and husband. She works with women and mothers of young children and is passionate about self-care and women’s wellbeing in nurturing and raising children mindfully.