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Dina Delicce: beach living year-round

This summer I spent a lot of time at the beach with my family. It was such a joy seeing my boys growing to LOVE the beach as much as I do. And, during our special time there, I found myself implementing the same “rules” I had to follow when I was their age. This time however, I saw my Dad’s “beach rules” from an entirely different perspective and came to appreciate what great metaphors they are for building my business and enjoying my life. So, in no particular order these are my Dads’ (and now my) Beach Rules that I will be using all year round!
Rule #1: Always tell someone before you go into the water. The ocean is fun, but it’s also unpredictable. Play, have fun, explore, take risks, but make sure someone you love knows where you are.
Rule #2: Always swim near the lifeguard. Sometimes we need professional help. Align yourself so that the professional is nearby if you need him/her.
Rule #3: Bring at least one special gift for the lifeguards (a beautiful shell, an iced drink, a homemade lunch, or a genuine smile with an eye-to-eye “Thank you”). There are angels all around us. Express your gratitude for their presence.
Rule#4: You must learn how to read the waves. Life comes at you pretty quickly and is forever changing. You have to learn how to foresee both the danger and the calm and act accordingly. Life isn’t so much what happens to you, but how you react to it. Sometimes you’ll need to dive under the wave, and sometimes you’ll get to float over it. Either way, you need to know how to respond.
Rule #5: Don’t take your eyes off the ocean. When you are doing something, do that ONE thing. Stay focused. Enjoy it and be present. If you don’t you’ll not only miss the joy, you might knocked down by an unexpected force.
Rule #6: When a wave does knock you down, and IT WILL, get up. Because the first wave will knock you down, but the second one will eat you up. As long as you get up and recover from every fall, you can play all day.
Rule #7: If you do get eaten up, swim with the current. The ocean is a powerful force! Much more powerful than you. Swimming against it will only get you in greater danger. Respect its power, and swim with it. It will take you to where it wants you to be, and from there you safely swim home.
Rule #8: You must for (at least) 15 minutes a day, play by yourself. Go for a walk, dig a hole, write a letter in the sand. Learn how to be comfortable in your own skin. Learn now how to occupy and entertain yourself. If you can master this, you will never feel alone in the world.
Rule #9: No matter what happens, there is never a bad beach day. Life is filled with so much goodness, but sometimes you need to know where to look. Even when it rains, the ocean is a powerful feast for the eyes. Look out and gaze at its power. Learn from it. Rest your body and reflect on the message that comes rolling in with each wave.
Rule #10: The ocean is never stagnant. Riding the waves and swimming among their power are among the fun parts of the day. So too is life. Don’t stay stagnant. It may be safer, but it’s not fun. The ocean has the ability to churn itself up when it needs to. You too have to mix things up sometimes in order to grow.
Rule #11: Never leave the beach at the end of the day without another look back and a moment of silent gratitude. Life and the people in it are amazing. Be grateful for walking among them, grateful for the opportunity to leave your mark.
Rule # 12: Always build a sandcastle. Create! Leave your unique mark on the world, and make sure it’s your best work that day! Leave the space you were in better and more beautiful than when you first got there.
Rule #13: Clean up your garbage before you leave. The beach wants your special and unique footprints, but it doesn’t want your garbage. Everyone creates garbage after a day at the beach, some more than others. But you are responsible for cleaning up your own mess.
Dina is a learner, writer, and coach. She inspires people to create the life they want and encourages them to find their unique physical, mental, and spiritual truth, their unique path in life, or as she calls it, the nourishMEANT for them. Visit her at: www.dinadelicce.com