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Dianne C. Lemon: the Necessary Accessory

By Dianne C Lemon.
Necks raised high draped in 24ct gold, Tiffany’s’ diamond studs displayed in our ears, designer frames, carrying the latest Louis Vuitton signature handbag, Hermes’ silk scarf tossed around over your shoulder and bejeweled and bedazzled cuffs wrap our wrists in the pursuit of the right touch… enter in The Necessary Accessory.
When we ponder what an accessory is, Webster’s describes it as:
a subordinate or supplementary part or object that adds to convenience, attractiveness, image, and safety. An article of dress, as gloves or earrings that completes or enhances one’s basic outfit, décor and lifestyle.
I like to define it as some item that enriches your presence, image, special-place, adding vitality to your lifestyle and compliments your overall appearance. “What you show the world.”
Something that is necessary is:
absolutely essential, indispensable, unavoidably determined by prior circumstances.
As we peruse our closets, jewelry boxes and wardrobe hunting for treasure, the necessary accessory completes our look and gives us that sparkle-shine.
Why are accessories necessary?
They finish everything, from outfits to inside.
What would the world be like without them? Bland, void and without life. Extreme, yes, but true. They are key. Just one fabulous piece can change your image.
(No Bling Ladies? C’mon now…what would we do?)
Let’s start with the most coveted of all.
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Ms. Marilyn Sexy Monroe took that melody to a whole notha level. Is your necessary-accessory diamonds that sparkle, shine and radiate light? We have been told that coal buried deep in the earth is mined and pressurized into that beautiful stone most women long to possess. No matter what life brings you, when you have endured to the end you will become a diamond. These precious stones are cut and faceted into beautiful works of art. You are a diamond… this process works the same when you have been unearthed, pressed and cut into the life you were made to have! You’ve discovered your precious value and manifested your purpose. As Rhianna serenades, “Shine bright like a diamond.”
Natural stones made from the earth’s environment engraved with brilliance, etched with abrasion, contain minerals and hues that were tinted by God and fashioned by artistry for your pleasure. Are you a Natural Wonder? Is this your necessary accessory? This woman is clothed with simplicity and eager to take what has naturally been given and make it hers. She writes HerStory!
Gold is the softest metal on earth. It has other components adding special ingredients that make it pliable and moldable. There is a formula that determines cost. What price have you paid for this necessary accessory? No price goes un-redeemed it’s the law. This shiny substance decorates you in significant worth and purpose.
Pearls (I love pearls!) are classic in that they are never out of style, and always compliment anything and everything. This neccesary accessory is made from a deterrent entering the oyster and its protective process covers the irritant, creating one of the world’s most treasured accessories. When the little things come into your life and evolve into vast issues things become overwhelming and confusing. As we realize the process a pearl goes through we can go through the same cycle and become our own best commodity. Freedom comes from acceptance. Acceptance is our master key unlocking and locking doors we have built in our mind. Once we accept we own. A key is a powerful possession, it permits power, authority, access and opportunity.
Leather lives, breathes and is handcrafted, formed and shaped into our sought-after handbags, jackets, shoes, and gloves we love and can’t live without. It beckons us because of the suppleness, durability, smell and luxurious feel. There is no better necessary accessory than a fierce handbags. Leather lasts forever and the more its worn the better it gets. Take a moment imagine that the wear-and-tear you believed would destroy you only makes you better!
There are so many accessories to consider and I love them all, but I have narrowed it to the few mentioned here. I want to leave you with two other key necessary accessories that make a “full-grown” woman who she is and they are her smile and her mindset. Do you realize that a healthy wide smile can change the world, revivify a challenge, improve a life and offer hope when things seem hopeless? It can even change your mind!
Mindset is Your Master. You are what you believe. It’s not the things that others are saying about you that mess you up, it’s what you say about yourself that defines who you are. You shall have what you say! John Maxwell’s Mantra:
Change Your Thinking-Change Your Life
Your mind is the most powerful tool you own; once it’s made up and you get laser-focused, nothing can stop you. I once heard it said there is nothing, no thing two women can’t do once they put their minds together and FOCUS.
It is written that the God who created this universe left our will (mindset) up to us. You know the commercial, “A Mind is a Terrible thing to Waste.” An un-opened gift is just a package. Use your mind, use your gifts and use your talents. If you can’t find it, create it–you hold that much power. Use it wisely!
A fabulous accessory changes everything from ordinary to extraordinary. As we journey through this existence and work our way through our purpose we all look for our necessary accessory that adds to our peace, image and self-perception.
There are no do-overs for your life; it’s just a moment, so enjoy it to the fullest!
Dianne C Lemon, EnVoi Boutique/ Founder, Life-Architect-Image Style-Coach and her son Jaylee have devoted their lives to styling, profiling and assisting women/men in becoming their very best. Armed with 25 years experience in the beauty & fashion arena, an ordained minister, master consultant and make-up artist, Dianne has transitioned into purpose, offering personalized image solutions for a new image coaching and appearance transformation project. She hosts successful signature events, partners with social causes and creates marketing strategies that target untapped resources. Dianne’s newest venture, ReFined Culture LLC Image Transformation InsideOut, has returned her to her roots to penetrate lifestyles with co-Founder Jaylee Lemon. www.refined-culture.com www.envoiboutique.com