Crystal Andrus: What I learned in 2013

By on January 10, 2014
crystal may edit

As 2013 has come to a close, I reflect on what I’ve learned this past year and I’m almost certain it’s been mostly about relationships — particularly what healthy and unhealthy relationships look, feel, and sound like.

I’ve learned that it must be a win-win for a good relationship to sustain itself naturally and effortlessly; and that when one person feels as though they give more than the other, they are actually poisoning the relationship. The best thing to do is pull back (without anger), focus on bringing more joy into your own life, and allow what is to unfold.

I’ve learned that sometimes we think some relationships are more than they are, and sometimes they are more than we think.

I’ve learned that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect—even trees (as my dear friend, Colette Baron-Reid, pointed out after hearing them cry on a stormy, icy night, not too long ago.)

I’ve learned that harsh words can do irreversible damage. If someone is treating you badly, responding to them with anger, rage, or self-righteousness is just as damaging to you as them . . . and to the world at large.

I’ve learned that there is a time to walk away and a time to walk back and speak your truth with courage and calm. Knowing “which” is wisdom.

I’ve discovered for every ending there is a new beginning, if you’ll open the door.

I’ve learned that life is beautiful. Protection is necessary, at times. Letting go is what sets you free. Surrendering isn’t passive, it’s powerful. And that love really does move mountains.

I’ve learned that I am not the voice in my head. I am what/who hears the voice. I am the receiver of my experiences but not the experience. I witness my feelings but I am not my feelings.

I have learned that where I resonate emotionally determines the lenses I view the world with, and that when I rise above my fears, everything appears less chaotic and actually, quite manageable.

I’ve learned that good times keep coming as long as your heart is open to them.

I’ve learned that people respond to kindness, truth, honesty, and authenticity with open arms. In fact,they ache and hunger for it.

I’ve learned that when I let go of anger, I have so much room left for joy.

I’ve learned to pray for those who don’t like me, to celebrate with my friends, to give thanks for my blessings, to work towards my dreams, and to never stop believing that anything is possible.

I’ve learned that love always finds a way.

I’ve learned to cut people slack. Sometimes, a lot of slack. No one wants to be chained into a relationship. Everyone is doing their best (even if their best sucks).

I’ve learned that every relationship I have is really a relationship with myself. I learn. I stand. I fall. I cry. I wait. I cheer. I rejoice. I move. I keep going . . . stronger, clearer, and more whole.

Who would we be without the people in our lives?
How would we grow? How would we know?

We need each other.

Thank you for being a part of my life. Please share your thoughts!

Happy New Year!



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