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Crystal Andrus, In the Face of Uncertainty

The moment arrives faster than expected.
Your guard is down.
Actually, your guard is down most of the time now. You’ve been dealing with “your stuff” so well you didn’t think you need a guard any longer.
“I’ve worked this out,” you’re quite certain. “I’m good. I’m happy. I’m strong. I’ve got this.”
Then, BAM, uncertainty smacks you square in the face.
What to do?
Speak your mind?
Say your peace? (Or was that “piece”?)
Be quiet? Walk away?
Re-enact it over and over and over and over and over for days?
Daughter Energy has had her “guards” (like soldiers, standing at attention outside her giant castle walls) for so long that an instantaneous, knee-jerk reaction flies out of her mouth before she has a chance to process her intentions. “Off with his head,” she yells out.
Mother Energy has never realized she has a castle, walls, or guards to protect her (she’s spent her lifetime in the battlefield protecting everyone else) so in the face of uncertainty, she instantly (and silently) sinks into the ground, waiting for the storm to pass. No point adding fuel to a potential fire.
Woman Energy has learned to create space—a “pause” button. She takes a few deep breaths and asks herself, “What are my intentions? What would be the ideal outcome? What do I need to do right now? What would a WOMAN do?”
And then she does it.
It takes practice to disengage and overlook the obvious; to not get caught up in the outward appearance.
Uncertainty doesn’t have to be bad.
Uncertainty doesn’t have to be sad.
Uncertainty doesn’t have to be fixed, controlled, manipulated, or suppressed.
Uncertainty can be an adventure; the unknown arriving because it’s time to explore more of “your stuff”; uncharted territory leading you to higher ground, better views, and new perspectives (not to mention, amazing sunsets).
The next time the face of uncertainty seems to be backing you into a corner, why not ask it if it wants to be friends. Maybe it didn’t want to smack you after all? Maybe it simply wanted a kiss?
Crystal Andrus is a bestselling author, international speaker, women’s advocate, host of “Empowerment Class” and “The Crystal Andrus Show” on CBS Radio, and Founder of “The S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer)” ~ the world’s #1 online Personal Empowerment Certification Coaching School, exclusively for women. She can be reached at www.crystalandrus.com or www.swatinstitute.com.