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October 2013 Horoscope with Michelle Arbeau

with Michelle Arbeau, Celebrity Numerologist.
October 2013: Turn Over a New Leaf this Fall
October is the tenth month of the year but from a numerological perspective, it reduces to the number one (1+0=1) and so it carries a strong “new beginnings” energy as the first physical plane number. One is the pioneering, trailblazing, stand-alone number that is all about achievement and success. Ten is the communication/mentoring number which makes October a powerful month of not only active accomplishment but sharing of knowledge through verbal means.
There is also a strong spiritual component to the active energy in the air during October when the physical-based one combines with the spiritual zero (symbol of the infinite or spiritual awareness). If you’re feeling the call to mentor someone or share of yourself from a communications perspective, you’re right where you need to be this month. Some Life Theme Numbers will find this month more reflective and verbal with less desire to take physical action while others will be revved up and ready to hit the ground running – literally.
Either way, there will be a depth to your actions during the month of October that will help you create, achieve and share meaningful accomplishments. There is an opportunity to make wise decisions over the next several weeks as the Earth Guide energy (10) is in full swing.
Calculating Your Number:
Before we get to the individual monthly forecasts, you’ll need to calculate your Life Theme Number which is your main energetic essence in this lifetime. Your date of birth is like spiritual DNA and can reveal who you are, what you’re here to do and how to do it.
To calculate your Life Theme Number, add together each individual digit in your date of birth and then reduce to a single digit, like this:
DOB: 12-18-1975
This date of birth has a Life Theme Number of 7. Follow the same steps to calculate your own essence.
**Note: If the sum equates to 10, 11, 22 or 33, stop there. Don’t reduce these numbers further as they are called the Master Numbers and should be displayed in their unreduced form. They are guiding frequencies which carry a greater responsibility to mankind in terms of their life purpose. To find out more about these numbers and the other nine base energies, sign up to my newsletter at www.MichelleArbeau.com to receive a complimentary copy of “Life Theme Numbers”.
Individual Life Theme Number Forecast for September:
2: As the number of intuition/sensitivity, twos are typically the support system for others in their lives and they say behind every great leader is a two. More contemplative than action-seeking, the two will spend October utilizing the active communication energy thoughtfully. Behind each action you take this month, you’ll feel the need to think it through first. You’ll be strongly in your role of “supportive one” this month, leaning heavily into the mentoring energy that the ten brings. However, it won’t feel like you’re being used for your guidance as it can often be for you – on the contrary. You’ll be feeling more confident, wise and full of knowledge to share. The physical one combined with the spiritual zero is just the right combination of action energy for you. For the two, the spiritual zero slows down the active physical one to a vibration you can handle.
3: Depending on your combination of the three, this can either be a fun-filled let-loose month or a busy month of mental action, utilizing the physical “action” one and the spiritual zero to translate your ideas from paper to fruition. Pure threes (30/3) will feel the excitement of the new beginnings energy but more often they’ll be in-tune with the adaptable and sometimes superficial energy of the ten. Ten energy likes to keep life light, not delving too deeply into life’s problems, much like the social three. The more intellectual-focused three will be keen on channeling the physical energies to bring their ideas to life. Networking will be big as will synchronicity for the intellectual three. Meeting the right people, places, things at the right time. The best part is, the threes are detail-oriented and not much gets past them so they’ll be making the most of this action packed month.
4: As the “doer” but also the foundation number, the four will be hard at work building their empire this month. It’s about connecting dots for you, pulling things together to “build” it. You’re in high practical doing mode as the energy is urging you to put your nose to the grindstone and get things done. The practical energy around you is higher than normal because the pioneering one is backed by the depth of the spiritual zero, creating a healthy balance of practical spirituality. You’ll feel solid in your being, making grounded quality choices this month that will take you leaps and bounds forward in building what you want to create in life. Relationships will take a backseat for the four in October because you’ll be too busy making major progress in building upon the foundation of fulfilling your life purpose.
5: Five is half of ten so they tend to share many of the same qualities at times. The five will definitely be leaning toward the adaptable and more superficial energies of the ten this month. Freedom energy is flowing as the number of freedom of expression (5) is feeling the need to not only take action but to communicate how they feel (1). The five will be living mostly through the one, bypassing the zero somewhat for an action-packed month. Power-seeking can be a negative trait of the Life Theme Number five. Be cautious not to be overly zealous with your ambition to accomplish your goals or you’ll find you’ve created more enemies than you had when you started the month. You’re feeling foot-loose and fancy-free, ready to take on the world in a big way. As the artist’s number and with the World Year Number being the creative six, you’re definitely in a career or goal-focused mindset. Although, relationship challenges could rear their head because you’ll be more on the detached side from an emotional standpoint. This will be a blessing in disguise. Since you’re the number of the heart/emotions, you’ll be able to take a step back from the relationships that are no longer fitting in your life and be able to make the necessary changes.
6: Creative ideas can’t be brought to physical reality without the energies of the earthly plane to birth them. October combines the first physical number (1) with spiritual depth (zero) and the Life Theme Number six polishes this combination bringing the creative visionary element. You’ll be hard at work as the creative busy bee, polishing projects and creating new ones at a rapid pace. Not only do you have active physical energy behind you (1) but you’ve got the ability to heighten your visionary senses with the zero in check. Since 2013 is a relationship-focused year, you’ll see relationship shifting with a strong focus on “new beginnings” on various levels.
7: Sevens are the Life Theme Number that can go both ways with a strong intellectual side (the deep, philosophical number of truth) and also known as the “leaper” being the most active physical plane number. While under the influence of a pioneering one the seven takes on the more physical-based qualities of its vibration so action is the name of the game in October. The good news is that you’ll be less likely to experience hindsight learning from your impulsiveness. You’re on your game when it comes to taking chances this month and it will lead you to a much more authentic place than you have been during the past few months. The truth is being revealed to you in many areas of your life and as the “natural scientist” energy, you’re on the case in a very active way. Relationship wise truths that may or may not be wanted or expected will likely surface this month.
8: Eights are naturally confident people and when combined with the pioneer number (1) and the spiritually charged zero, it can make for some pretty substantial achievement and success. Eights are business savvy, knowing what to say, when to say it and how to say it. This month will definitely be career-focused for the Life Theme Number eight. You’ll be in the zone with your communication skills both on a social and professional level. As the number of abundance, manifestation and wisdom, eights make the most progress when they have the ability to channel their knowledge and wisdom into the physical realm where we manifest our dreams into reality. Harnessing the Earth Guide energy (10) of the month of October, you’ll be chalk full of wisdom overflowing. People will be attracted to you more so than ever as the wise sage this month so take care not to burn out. It will be an easy flowing month for the eights and you’ll feel you won’t have to push so hard in most areas of your life.
9: Action energy can be challenging for the very mental-based nine. Nine and one form the opposite ends of a cycle (one being the beginning and nine being the end of a cycle) which causes the nine to fight against the current when it comes to strong physical energy like the one. Even though it’s the number of ambition and idealism, nines excel in the thinking realm and hesitate when it comes to putting those ideas into action. Under the influence of a ten month, you’ll feel the urge to bring your ideas from pad to pavement. However, the ten energy this month will come more in the form of mentoring (ten is also known as the Earth Guide), wanting to use your mental insights and opinions to guide others along their path. Your keen intellectual abilities will be fine-tuned and wanting to be of self-less service to mankind, as is the nature of the humanitarian nine. You’ll be feeling detached relationship-wise because your focus is on being of service as guide this month with your acute intelligence. Don’t worry though, next month you can expect your fair share of relationship focused energy. Enjoy this time of feeling tuned into your energy as the humanitarian.
10/1: Ready, set, go! Talk about a double whammy this month. The Life Theme Number ten is feeling free to let go and have a good time. Life is for living and that’s what you’ll do this month. The pioneer energy of the one won’t have as much affect on you as some of the other Life Theme Numbers. You’re in it to let your hair down and have a good time and it’s rightfully deserved. You’ve had a rough couple of months and it’s about time you were allowed to be the adaptable and fun-loving ten you were meant to be. There will be less focus on ambition and more on communication on the social front for you this month. Relationships will be a focus but mostly on a casual basis – nothing hot and heavy. Relish this time to relax and release because November will bring some intense self-reflective energies for the ten that force you to go deeper than you’d care to go.
11/2: You are the Spiritual Guide Life Theme Number meaning you always need to be doing something that affects people from a more soulful level. Money and personal possessions are secondary for the eleven. While under the influence of the Earth Guide (10) in the month of October, you’ll certainly be feeling the call to post as the spiritual leader you were born to be. The tenth month brings mentoring energies into full swing and those who are meant to guide on a more soulful level will be feeling the tug to share their wisdom with the masses this month. The call to a global presence is big for the eleven as the frequency of the earth is increasing closer to that of the eleven. Written word is important this month so if you’re feeling the desire to blog or to write – do it. It’s a self-reflective time but also a time to share the wisdom you’ve gleaned thus far.
22/4: Taking the bull by the horns is the theme of the twenty-two four this month. With the essence of the foundation number (4) leading with double twos (number of intuition and sensitivity), you’re in the flow of intuitive guidance to build your empire. Much like the eleven, you’ll be highly sought after by friends, family and co-workers for guidance and support as they sense your connectedness. As the Master Builder number, you’ll surely be busy helping others restructure and rebuild their foundation. It isn’t so much about your own energies as it is about others because October carries a strong mentoring energy which you’re tuned into. On a personal level, you’ll be turning a new leaf whether you’re ready to or not. It’s a month of new beginnings and you’re in the midst of restructuring your foundation. You’ll finally let go of old relationships and start making room for the new energies to move in for the New Year.
33/6: You’re the number of creativity and creative expression and totally and intellectual energy. The physically dominant energies of October can cause a bit of apprehension for the thirty-three six. You’re the visionary and will step into your role this month as the mentoring energies of the ten are calling you to guide others from practical perspective. You’re also in the creative zone and able to communicate it well with the one in full effect followed by the spiritual depth of the zero. You are the nurturer, the visionary, the creative one who sees the bigger picture for others when they can’t see it for themselves. Any of the guiding energies (10, 11, 22, 33) will definitely be feeling the call to post this month to be the master guides they’re called to be. You connect the dots for others when they can’t see the bigger picture. Be prepared to talk to strangers like never before. The cashier that spills their life story in a matter of minutes or the cab driver who suddenly engages you in a deep conversation. It’s your calling to be the visionary for others and while under a mentoring ten energy of October, you’ll be the mother hen this month. Relationship wise, there will be a great deal of mending going on as old wounds will be healed and the bigger picture revealed.
Michelle Arbeau is an internationally recognized Celebrity Numerologist, author, inspirational speaker and radio/tv host. She has a Hollywood clientele base that includes Twilight vampires, Big Bang Theory actress, Pirates of the Caribbean actor, NBC Director, Celebrity stylist and many more.
A media favorite and considered an expert in her field, Michelle is frequently a repeat guest on national outlets such as CBC Radio, CTV Morning Live, Breakfast Television and LA Talk Radio.
As founder and host of Authentic You Radio/TV, Michelle has interviewed many of the top authors, speakers and celebrities in her quest to inspire and empower others to live with authenticity.
Her upcoming books, The Energy of Words: Harness the Vibration of Language & Transform Your Life and Soul Numbers: Decipher the Message from Your Inner Self to Successfully Navigate Life are the product of combining her love of numbers with her passion for helping others to find purpose, meaning and joy in life. (Book Release Dates October & December 2013). www.MichelleArbeau.com.
Michelle Arbeau is an internationally recognized Celebrity Numerologist, author, inspirational speaker and radio/tv host. She has a Hollywood clientele base that includes Twilight vampires, Big Bang Theory actress, Pirates of the Caribbean actor, NBC Director, Celebrity stylist and many more.
A media favorite and considered an expert in her field, Michelle is frequently a repeat guest on national outlets such as CBC Radio, CTV Morning Live, Breakfast Television and LA Talk Radio.
As founder and host of Authentic You Radio/TV, Michelle has interviewed many of the top authors, speakers and celebrities in her quest to inspire and empower others to live with authenticity.
Her upcoming books, The Energy of Words: Harness the Vibration of Language & Transform Your Life and Soul Numbers: Decipher the Message from Your Inner Self to Successfully Navigate Life are the product of combining her love of numbers with her passion for helping others to find purpose, meaning and joy in life. (Book Release Dates October & December 2013).www.MichelleArbeau.com.