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clarity from the bird's eye view
with Colette Baron-Reid.
When I look back on my young years I see the place where so much suffering occurred with a very different pair of eyes. Thirty years ago I was once a victim seeing through a lens of resentment and entitlement and blessed to transform to owning my power, seeing through the eyes of compassion and rigorous honesty, and surrendering to Spirit. So much can change with a new pair of eyes.
When you open your eyes what do you see?
Do you see an amazing world brimming with possibility and potentiality? Or do you see a repeat of yesterday’s conditions that seems to dictate how you feel about things?
When you open your bank account do you see what’s there or all that room to add more?
When you look at your business do you see an opportunity to create and connect, collaborate and make great ART or do you see yourself competing in a scarce environment?
Do you look at your life and see no lover but miss all the love you have? Or do you love without expectation and see it everywhere?
Through which lens do you see?
Be honest when you think about those questions. We all get our sight from our past. We are memory-based creatures but if we do what we did we will get what we got! And if we only see what we saw we won’t recognize the power of the new. If we want to see change we need to start to see things we’re not familiar with. And we need to see ourselves clearly, warts and all, to claim our authenticity.
So how the heck do we do that?
Yes, my own capacity for clear seeing can sometimes go blurry when I’m reacting to something out of fear instilled in me long ago. I too can see the present and forget it’s a creation of my mind and my interpretation of it can be easily fogged by a lack of clarity and perspective.
When we only look at the conditions in front of us built on our past assumptions and reinforced expectations and ideas, it’s hard to imagine there is more beyond those conditions.
You can do Vision Boards ‘til your walls are covered but how can you really see and claim vision when you’re stuck? That’s really the point, seeking higher ground, being willing to elevate our capacity for seeing so we can get a vision.
None of us can have vision until we allow the attachment to conditions to dissolve, see from another vantage point and recognize we are not slaves to what was, we can do and be so much more. Want to know how to do this and fast?
Here’s a powerful exercise based on the first question of my IN-Vizion process:
Where Am I?
If you want to see clearly and gain perspective you need to get on your bird. It’s simple. Let’s begin.
Look at your life as it is now with all its issues as a place you are observing.
Notice how detached you feel as you observe.
Now imagine you’re looking through the eyes of your soul.
A bird will appear.
Get on its back…let it take you high in the sky.
Look down. How big or small is your starting point from up there?
What does your soul see?
Seeing from this vantage point there is so much more, yes?
The Soul knows how to see. Open those eyes today and see what changes.
I’d love to hear what happened for you when you got on your bird and saw through the eyes of your soul!
All my love and support now and forever- because I can see you, and you’re more than beautiful.
The InVision Project
Founder, CEO