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Challenging the Fraud Within: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome’s Distorted Sense of Self
By Coline Monsarrat
Imposter Syndrome operates like an unwelcome intruder at a festive gathering, disrupting the joy, hogging the treats, and creating unease among attendees. Its unexpected presence is unnerving.
Although Imposter Syndrome hasn’t formally been designated in psychiatric manuals, the mental health community widely acknowledges its debilitating effects. An estimated 70 percent of people have felt its grip at some point in their lives. Given the prevalence of social media and the inherent comparison trap it often provokes, these numbers could now be even higher.
Exploring the psychological maze to uncover Imposter Syndrome’s origins often leads to a dense thicket of recollections from our formative years — moments in which we heard messages of, “You’re inadequate.” The syndrome could stem from an offhand remark by a family member, a teacher’s fleeting look of doubt, or, as I’ve personally experienced, skepticism from the medical community. These instances strike deep, creating a treacherous landscape where we begin to second-guess our worth and capabilities.
So why should we prioritize tracing its origins? To truly liberate ourselves from its symptoms of low confidence, self-doubt, and diminished self-esteem, it’s vital to uncover and understand the foundation of these restrictive beliefs. Once we can recognize the origin of such sentiments, we can challenge and debunk them, setting ourselves free.
In my own journey, I discovered that the seeds of my Imposter Syndrome were planted within the complex corridors of the medical world. Battling an undiagnosed genetic disease, I was repeatedly invalidated. This left me feeling like an imposter in my skin. Even when the truth emerged, those feelings persisted, infiltrating all the realms of my life. It took a brush with mortality to truly see how these embedded falsehoods had forced me to play a character in my own story.
But the good news is that it’s never too late to reclaim your narrative.
To overcome this internal saboteur, use these tried-and-true tips to guide your transformation and silence the imposter within.
1. Reveal your imposter’s origin
Before you can take on your inner imposter, you must find out where this pesky intruder set up shop. Often, its roots trace back to our earliest years when our brains started to develop beliefs to help us navigate the world — yet those beliefs are actually detrimental to our future self. Detach and observe as if you’re watching a streaming show of your own life. Often it’s easier to identify patterns and pivotal moments when you view your life through an outsider’s lens. A good way to reveal those moments is to write down the events you believe could be the ones that started the self-doubt. Seeing them on paper will make you better equipped to analyze them from an outsider’s perspective.
2. Debunk those limiting beliefs
Here’s a twist to be aware of as you confront Imposter Syndrome. Our brains, sly things that they are, love to confirm our beliefs — even the wonky ones. They’re like friends who always agree, even when you’re blatantly wrong. But fear not! You can challenge and change those outdated scripts by becoming self-aware and rewiring entrenched mental patterns. It’s time to nix the limiting beliefs and negative judgment.
3. Craft your positive tale
In the world of hypnotherapy, or as I like to call it, “the brain gym,” it’s all about the reps and sets that will train your mind to build your positive narratives. Perception is powerful. Whether it’s an offhand remark by a co-worker or a life-altering event, how you interpret and internalize it shapes your reactions and outcomes. Once you’ve identified an event that might be responsible for a distorted belief about yourself, close your eyes and relive this event with a twist. Change its meaning with a more positive narrative, giving yourself the advice that you’d give to a friend.
4. Celebrate your personal odyssey
Take a moment to toast yourself. Grab a pen and jot down your victories, challenges, and milestones. This isn’t just self-indulgence — it’s a way to visually appreciate the meandering yet purposeful path you’ve traveled.
In the intricate dance of life, Imposter Syndrome acts as the misstep, momentarily throwing us off our rhythm. But like every accomplished dancer, we truly shine in understanding and mastering these missteps. We can reclaim our rightful place in the dance of life by acknowledging Imposter Syndrome’s presence, tracing its roots, challenging its assertions, and rewriting our narrative.
Coline Monsarrat is a passionate author driven by a mission to help others thrive. She weaves captivating stories that transcend boundaries. Whether through her insightful nonfiction work or the adventure MG book series, Aria & Liam, she imparts valuable wisdom that inspires readers to overcome challenges and embrace their potential. Her new book, You Are Not an Imposter: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Unlock Your True Potential So You Can Thrive (Apicem Publishing, April 11, 2023), offers a powerful and personal exploration of this all-too-common condition. Learn more at youarenotanimposter.com.