Can't decide which idea to pursue? Here's THE key question + 10 more to help you choose.

By on May 2, 2014

By Danielle LaPorte

All the ideas, the seemingly competing goals, the various opportunities, and the compelling projects…What to do, which to choose, where to start?

Right here:


That’s the key. It’s the purity that pays off every time. Never mind that your idea or the work at hand may be daunting and unreasonable. Out of your various intentions, goals, opportunities, or projects, what are you the most enthusiastic about? Without enthusiasm, you’re setting yourself up for struggle and pushing. And that’s no good for anyone’s creativity or prosperity.

No enthusiasm, no dice.

Once THAT’S obvious (remember, forget about the practicalities when measuring your excitement about what’s possible), then you can vet your creative choices with the pragmatic considerations. Your decisions should not ride solely on the following questions, but these will help you get clear.

  1. How will this affect other people?
  2. How can I work with people I like and respect to get this done?
  3. Does this help me generate more than one of my core desired feelings?
  4. How would I feel if I never did this?
  5. What will take the least amount of effort to pull off?
  6. What has the highest earning potential?
  7. What will require the largest amount of money?
  8. How could this affect the next five to ten years of my life?
  9. What is the scariest thing to do?
  10. Do I feel I was born to do this?

Enthusiasm + pragmatism = the unstoppable you.

Danielle Laporte is many things, not the least of which are: an author, truth speaker and most recently the creator of the Desire Map program.Get to know her better at

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