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Break free from self-limiting beliefs with Christena Alyssandratos
Don’t let your beliefs blind you from achieving your ultimate potential.
by Christena Alyssandratos
Are you aware that your life is a reflection of what you think about? Did you also know that your thoughts attract events into your life to show you what you believe about yourself?
In reality, the majority of individuals construct their lives by focusing most, if not all of their energy on what they don’t want. We often get stuck in the past, unwilling to let go of things that have happened to us. This can lead to self-sabotage.
Our beliefs dictate our choices and our choices create our life. When we get stuck thinking the same negative limiting beliefs over and over, we hardwire ourselves for failure. By thinking negative thoughts, we subconsciously convince ourselves that we don’t deserve good things. This in turn gets fed back to us and prevents us from going after things that would make us happy, because we think we don’t deserve it.
The good news is that we are the creators of our lives because we have a choice!
We can begin to feel fabulous and create the life of our dreams by becoming aware of what we are thinking about right now.
Let me ask you a question:
Based on your current choices and reoccurring thought patterns, is your life getting better and better every year?
If the answer is no, or not really, then isn’t it time to alter the course and change the way you think and feel in order to create the magnificent life you deserve?
The first step to breaking the power that negative thoughts have over you is to first become aware and mindful whenever a negative thought pops in your head.
Today, I encourage you to recognize when your mind starts planting ideas into your head that do not serve you. These ideas could be self-limiting beliefs that you heard growing up or were passed on to you from your family.
Here are some examples of ideas or limiting beliefs not serving you:
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
“Taking some time for me is selfish.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“Work needs to be hard.”
Your limiting beliefs can create fears and worries that don’t help you. They can distract you and limit you from stepping into your greatness. In fact, limiting beliefs may blind you from achieving your ultimate potential.
Let’s imagine for a moment that your life is your mirror.
Picture yourself as a bystander, looking objectively at the life you are leading. What’s been going well? What can be improved?
This is not intended to shame you, blame you or make you feel guilty, but to help you become aware that your life is a reflection of what you believe. The life you are living is a direct reflection of your attitudes, thoughts, and feelings.
Here are THREE action steps you can take right now to become more self-aware about your self-limiting beliefs and how to break free.
Allow yourself the time and space to answer these questions truthfully and openly. I highly recommend you purchase a beautiful journal and a lovely pen to write with and start by asking yourself the following questions and writing down your answers…
Step One: What Are Your Beliefs?
“What are my beliefs about love and my relationships?”
“What are my beliefs about money and my career?”
“What are my beliefs about health and my body?”
“What are my beliefs about happiness and my soul?”
And, more importantly: “Do I think that I deserve to be blissful and successful?”
Step Two: Question Your Beliefs
“Are these beliefs true?”
“Do I have proof they are true?”
“Are my beliefs holding me back from personal fulfillment?”
If these beliefs (or any beliefs) are holding you back from feeling empowered in any area of your life, the final step is to ask yourself one final question…
Step Three: Personal Growth
“What new and healthy belief(s) can I replace these with?”
“How can I improve the quality of my thoughts to improve the quality of my life?”
Yes, thoughts can be of good and bad quality. Good thoughts are those that are positive, affirmative, and empowering. Bad thoughts are those that are negative, damaging, and defeating. By trying to ward off bad thoughts and encouraging good thoughts, you will start to feel more confident in yourself and your ability to make good decisions, which will lead to a more rewarding life.
As you become more self-aware, you might catch yourself falling back into the habit of allowing negative thoughts to control your actions. Try to eliminate these types of thoughts from dictating your actions by following the 3 action steps and trading in unhealthy thoughts with new, positive thoughts.
It all comes down to having the choice to not buy into the beliefs of those negative thoughts. Free yourself! The choice is yours.
Christena Alyssandratos is the founder of EmpoweredbyChristena.com, a business that’s dedicated to empowering women to discover their authentic selves and to shine bright in every area of their lives. She is a Personal Empowerment Coach and her mission is to support and encourage women to transform their lives and become extraordinary by attaining their personal goals and stepping into their power. Christena is certified at the S.W.A.T. Institute’s Certified Personal Empowerment Coaching Program and is the Assistant Professor in Module 2, Empowerment Coaching. She lives in Toronto, Ontario with her husband and her two young daughters.