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By Zuzana Friedmann
Vitamin B12 is essential for blood formation, maintains healthy neurological function, and it is crucial in cell development.
Our body does not produce this vitamin, therefore we have to obtain it mostly from animal based foods, such as:
* OILY FISH ( sardines, trout, herring and mackerel)
* EGGS (the yolk)
* MILK PRODUCTS – especially yogurt
Vegans depend on supply of vitamin B12 from fermented products as;
* Tempeh
* Fermented soybean products (Miso soup..etc.)
* Sprouts
Intrinsic factor is made by parietal cells in the stomach and binds vitamin B12, so it can be readily absorbed.
The parietal cells might become less efficient due to inflammation, stress, aging and the production of both Hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor falls.
This can result in vitamin B12 deficiency which of symptoms might include:
* Fatigue and Muscle weakness
* Nervousness and Irritability
* Insomnia
* Memory problems and Depression
* Anxiety
* Weight gain
* Anemia
In case of Anemia, it is wise to supplement B12 vitamin first, because it helps the red blood cells to develop to a point, where protein, folic acid and vitamin C can then complete their maturation.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, even though you have been taking supplemental source of B12 vitamin for a while, consider talking to your health practitioner about further testing.
ZUZANA FRIEDMANN, RHN is passionate about Nutrition and healthy living. She is known for new comprehensive approach that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As a busy mom of two young girls, Zuzana is always active and enjoying outdoors with her family. You can count on her professional expertise to make good nutrition easier. Zuzana is currently working as a Holistic Nutritionist and Live Blood Analyst at Aurora Integrative Medical Clinic in Burnaby, BC. She works across weight management, digestive issues, pediatrics, allergies and more. Zuzana also leads cooking classes at elementary schools across North Shore, BC with the inherent message ‘health starts with education’.