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Awakening Woman
By Karishma Gill
She has ‘woken up’ from a spiritual slumber all of a sudden. It is like she is using her eyes, ears and senses for the first time since she was born. It feels like she is Neo exploding from her pod in the Matrix after taking the red pill. She has woken up and she is shocked with what she is experiencing around her.
She is conscious and awake, knowing something is inherently wrong with her life. Why isn’t her life going well? She may have everything around her but she feels empty. Or that she is struggling but she feels that struggle is not a normal human condition and is craving to change her life for the better.
Her Body starts to act as a Conduit of Truth. She FEELS TRUTH from her Body for the first time. She knows Truth from Lies easily. How does she know this?
She has no idea why she keeps seeing double numbers like 11:11 or 444 or 3333 all around her.
She frantically searches for knowledge or mentors to find out what is happening to her.
Her Intuition is sharper than normal. She may be hearing, sensing or seeing messages from her guardian angels. These messages will be repeating in her life until she pays attention to them.
Her psychic senses are exploding. Many of her innate spiritual abilities will be more powerful than normal. Eg. Mine was clairaudience. I started hearing my Angels loudly around me all of a sudden and it shocked me. Until I realized, I was a natural clairaudient and this ability pushed through from my Soul to get me to listen to my Angels to change my life for the better. Which ability is screaming to get your attention right now?
She may get sensitive to her surroundings like she doesn’t want to hang out with many people and wants to be alone more and more. She may not want to party as much and avoids alcohol or even meat at times. She may also be sensitive to Light or have strange food intolerances.
She suddenly knows she is here on Earth for a purpose and she desperately wants to know what it is. She feels like she is running out of time and wants to get started right away ‘because there is so much to do’.
She feels lost and no one around her seems to understand why.
She may want to move away as she says ‘it feels like the right thing to do’.
She knows she has to make a change in her current life because she can’t stand to be in her current life for one more minute. She knows intuitively that it is SHE who will have to make the change and sets about doing it.
She may be in a relationship or marriage with a partner who is unable to hold space for her spiritual growth. However, there are many conscious brothers out there who are holding space for their Awakening partner. Both scenarios are playing out now.
Since the Ascension process that began on 21st December 2012, many women and men have started to wake up spiritually. They want to heal their lives and wish to actively do something about it. Some may have even left their relationships or jobs and gone off on their own on soul searching journeys. It is as if they received a ‘Call’ from the Universe guiding them what to do next.
We are being guided to the Golden Age of Aquarius where Awakened Women and Men will inherit and care for our Earth with high vibrational intentions. It is inevitable that we are being guided daily to live a 5th Dimensional or higher vibrational lifestyle to maintain Divine Love within society and the planet to finally bring about peace and join the Galactic community of Love and Light as a high vibrational planet. This is happening right now!
Are you an Awakening Woman? Have you been experiencing your Awakening symptoms? If the above resonated with you then stay tuned for my offerings. I will be writing more about the Awakening Woman and what her journey is all about. I will be sharing my personal experiences in hopes to inspire you along the way.
Karishma Gill is a Spiritual Firestarter igniting the flame of the Divine Feminine by connecting with our truth, embracing our self worth and living abundantly from our life’s purpose. She is currently writing 3 books, singing on social media and painting up a storm.
Connect with her on:
Website www.karishmagill.com
Facebook @Rhy’Ahn Rel Karishma Gill
Instagram @rhyahnrel.karishmagill