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Awakening to the life that you are called to live!
By Kathryn Bonner, Life Coach.
Living an Awakened Life Spiritually will trickle over into all areas of your life and create a fulfilling life. You were meant to have an abundant life, one of fulfillment and beauty and grace.
As a Spiritual Awakening Life Coach, my goal for you is not just to discover who you are to be, but more importantly how you are to be in this life. How you are to be in every moment of this glorious life that our amazing Creator has for you. Are you loving fully, are you living fully? Are you fully giving, are you fully receiving? Do you understand what that means? Success is truly in those accomplishments that you find your fulfillment and purpose. That is how you find your purpose. Your purpose is to give and be love!
In my continual journey of discovery I have established that each person who has ever recalled when life had genuine significance or when they felt their greatest it was when they were serving and giving the finest of themselves. They received pure joy from it and so did the individual they were serving.
Maybe you are beginning to evolve to a higher echelon of thinking regarding what you believe success is. Maybe it is more than it used to be. It may be that you are realizing that success is the Awakening of your spirit, the Awakening of your soul. Truly being blissful and joyful in your own presence and in the presence of others is authentic living at its best! When you finally understand what it is to live a fully Awakened life abundance and the joy are a natural result. You shift in an awareness of the fact that you are participating in life the way you were created to. Your function now becomes to continue to be Awakened and to minister to or assist in the Awakening of others. This is your calling, your purpose.
You are aware of the Holy Spirit that is alive and well within you. You allow for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be your complete guide in this life. As you allow the Holy Spirit to take charge of your whole life you begin to experience what’s called the “Fruit of the Spirit” and you are no longer struggling to become, but now experience the as an innate or natural way of being for you.
This is remarkable when you no longer have to strive to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kinder, generous, faithful, gentler, and have self-control (those are the fruits of the spirit).
Galatians 5:25 reads, “If we live by Spirit, walk we by Spirit…” I love this passage! This says it all! This is what I am called to do; this is what we are all called to do! What does this mean to you? I would in courage you to break this down further. What does “If we live by Spirit” mean to you? Then what does it mean when is says, “Walk we by Spirit”?… break this down, write it out, meditate on it day and night for how ever long it takes you to begin to have it be in you, be of you and be you. What amazing transformation will take place in you! It truly is amazing.
With that said, I must clarify something of utmost importance… you cannot make this happen; only Spirit, once you become a willing vessel. Once you choose to live by the Spirit then it becomes a innate outpouring of the Spirit. Continue to pray and meditate on this and read the scriptures for more illumination and wisdom. I am obliged to share with you that this is a conscience choice. Today I was able to recognize that I was “void” of this when I went to the bank to deposit a check that was rightfully mine, but it was made out incorrectly. The bank clerk was correct in not allowing me to do so, but my “true beautiful spirit” the spirit in which I choose to live by left! Not for long, but it did leave!
Living and Walking by Spirit is crucial to me being who I was shaped, fashioned, and created to be, when I am out of step with Spirit, I am out of touch with love and patience, and kindness and all of the other fruits of the Spirit. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit”— There are various ways to live our lives in this world – some of them destructive and others life-giving. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control – these are the things that identify us as Awakened, and living by the Spirit and being guided by the Spirit… – these are the fruits of the Spirit I want for myself – the fruits of the spirit I want for all of us!
Here’s to living an Awakened Life in the new year!! Begin the Awakening of your Spirit, manifesting beautiful transformation, much like the process of becoming a beautiful butterfly! Here’s to your journey and the Awakening of your heart and the soul of the beautiful you!
To contact me and to embark on the journey toward Awakening the gifts that are within you, as well as creating a life of fulfillment you can email me at AwakeningsLifeCoaching@cox.net or call me at 512-260-7775. Please take a look at my website at http://www.AwakeningsLifeCoaching.com Thank you for reading! I wish you all a breathtaking and joyous journey! Here’s to the journey! Kathryn