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August 2020 Sun Sign Horoscopes by Maya White
August 2020
Aries – (March 20 – April 18) This promises to be an important month for you. Mars, your planetary ruler is now keeping the home fires burning as he spends his days marching through Aries. Although Mars is in the sign of his rulership, he is not on a leisurely vacation. Mars is doing really ‘deep’ work making preparation for a major renewal that begins in September. Plan carefully and take critical action now that will nurture your success for the remainder of 2020.
Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Uranus, the transformer, has been in Taurus since 2018 and will stay until 2026. It may feel like this gives you several years to complete your transformation, but we all know that there is no time like the present. This month is pivotal. The challenge is to get out of your comfort zone, and the Aquarius full moon of August 3rd puts everything right out in the open. Sometimes it’s easier to do your ‘inner work’ in private; but you’ve been doing that inner stuff for a long time now. It’s time to put it out there and let the world know what’s really on your mind.
Gemini – (May 20 – June 19) This month has two distinct themes. The first part of August moves fast and you’re constantly called to multi-task. Even though you’re busy, the planet Uranus is stirring up mysterious feelings that you’re overlooking something.
For the latter half of August, Mars sets a more serious tone and invites you to think about your long-term goals. What do you want your life to look like one year from now? This is the perfect time to get your plan together and set sail on the future. Move past uncertainty, and dig into what you know is true.
Cancer – (June 20 – July 21) The Asteroid goddess Vesta has been making her way through your sign and claiming her space in your life. Vesta, the most sacred of all the astrological avatars, teaches you focus and deepens your connection to Spirit. This month’s full moon illuminates your 8th house of legacies and inheritances. This part of the astrological dome also teaches us about personal Power; think of it as ‘who gets to make up the rules.’ August is about finally making up your own rules about where to give your time and energy.
Leo – (July 22 – August 21) August starts out with an amazing Aquarius full moon on the 3rd. But this moon brings more than a pretty vision – it signals a release from responsibilities that have been weighing you down. Although you love your freedom, there has been a sub-text of captivity with Saturn and Pluto winding ever so slowly in Capricorn. Balance and letting go are the right themes now. Developing your Mastery, that place where you truly shine, is what really makes you happy.
Virgo – (August 22 – September 21) Wow! This month begins with Mercury, your planetary ruler making power-plays with both Pluto and Saturn by August 3rd. In fact, this month is a lot about power, so pay attention to your level of influence on what happens. You’re learning about influence over yourself and others. You’ll be called to show your true feelings before this month is over; remember that self-mastery is always the ultimate goal.
Libra – (September 22 – October 21) The asteroid goddess Juno is in your sign now. Juno teaches us to ask for what we want and need in relationships. You may be asked to make a commitment, but be sure that you fully honor your own needs before giving too much away. Venus also sits in a position for has some serious conversations with Saturn this month, also. Connect deeply with your own inner integrity, and this month is golden.
Scorpio – (October 22 – November 20) Mars and Pluto, your two planetary rulers are literally butting heads now! All this combustible energy can leave you feeling exhausted and out of sorts unless you have a plan. The good news is that August grows more mellow day by day, so remember to enjoy the hot Leo Sun. In short – relax, Scorpio. It’s August. Seriously; plan your work, and work you plan this month. Focus.
Sagittarius – (November 21– December 19) August presents gifts that come disguised as challenges. The problem has to do with how you earn your money, and your desire to ‘do your own thing’. This is not an uncommon issue, but it’s especially true for you. The secret is to remain focused on the big picture; don’t make any rash moves or decisions. Mars is stirring up your emotions, especially around the full moon of August 3rd. Actually, Mars is actually driving you all month. Think in terms of positioning rather than a new position!
Capricorn – (December 20 – January 18) With three major planets, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in your sign, there’s no doubt you feel compelled to stake your claim in the world. But, just hear me out on this situation. All three planets are retrograde now! Even asteroid goddess Pallas Athena is retrograde in Capricorn. This leaves you feeling like it’s one step forward and two steps back – unless you utilize Pallas Athena’s gift of strategic planning. Work behind the scenes for slow and careful growth; if handled wisely, you’ll look like an overnight sensation by year’s end.
Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) Last month hopefully gave you a bit of a respite and you’re feeling fresh. You need your vital energies this month because there is an important decision to be made. The secret is to maintain a high vibration on all levels. You’ll want to return to your inner peace practices because Mercury is creating anxiety all month. A situation that presents on August 3rd, with the full moon in your sign, will resolve by the August 18th new moon in Leo. Stay grounded and find peace in your joy.
Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) This is a time to let the hand of fate do its work, Pisces. Overall, you’re protected by the good graces of Neptune, your planetary ruler. But, Venus in Gemini is aloof, which in turn leaves you feeling uncertain. Your advantage comes when you tune into the good graces of Jupiter. Expect an unexpected benefit by month’s end. Look for the blessings and a positive ending.
Maya White, Astrologer and Life Purpose Guide
Maya is a professional astrologer and Life Purpose Guide certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a type of astrology that helps identify your best places for success. Her all original horoscopes have been featured around the world and are noted for inspiration and practical tips on how to apply the wisdom of the stars to real life.
As a writer and spiritual teacher, Maya is a frequent guest on radio and other media outlets. She is also the creator of the Easy Astrology Oracle Cards and guidebook, published by Hay House. She is currently working on two projects: the ‘Sacred Earth Oracle’ card deck and a series of books titled ‘The Astrology Code; Keys to Unlock Your Life’.
In addition to Astro*Carto*Graphy relocation astrology and travel, Maya’s passion in astrology is going deeply into Life Purpose. She is committed to positive outcomes and helping people integrate the unique Astrology Code that is found in their charts.