angels in heaven pasta. did i mention easy?

By on August 26, 2013

By Julie of By The Recipe.


“Stop asking questions. You’ve asked all the questions that you can ask for one day.” –Coach Calvin.

I think I would like to bring Coach Calvin home with me. He’s tough. The kids listen.

My world right now consists of soccer. My little people love soccer. My little boy person loves soccer more than anything. Which is a little unusual given that we live in Canada, where for most boys, the dream is to become a professional hockey player.

“No questions!”

I’m sitting in the stands at soccer practice. My first one of the season. A season which will be different for us as my little boy person has made an inter-city team this season.

“Burpees!” (If you don’t know what a burpee is, google it). My trainer Dave would be proud of my little person. Way better than me! And he’s not complaining or cursing!

A three team practice of 21 kids, and Alex (whoever he is), keeps messing up. More burpees. Ok, so maybe the kids don’t listen so great. Lots of sternness from Coach Calvin. Lots of shouting. I still like him.

Ok, enough of that.

You know I like quick and easy. Dinner people, dinner! On these crazy nights of soccer, an easy dinner is necessary.


Angels In Heaven Pasta

I won’t go into explaining why this meal has this title. You had to be there, and if I tell you, my little boy person might never forgive me. This is one recipe that I can actually admit to creating. Proudly.

Serves 4, takes about 15 minutes


2 cooked chicken breasts *I usually use the meat from the BBQ rotisserie chicken from the grocery store or Costco. If you buy two chickens, chop up the meat of one and put it in the freezer for next time. 
1 package of fresh linguine *the one I buy has 350 grams
3/4 cup of pesto (homemade or store bought)
3/4 cup of light cream, 15%

Chop chicken breasts into bite sized pieces. Add to a small sauce pan with the cream and pesto. In medium-low heat, stir to combine. Heat until warm through, then reduce heat to low.

Cook pasta according to packaging (usually 4 minutes).

Divide pasta among 4 bowls, and too with desired amount of sauce.

If you need more sauce, it is simply a 1:1 ratio. Add as much chicken and pasta that you need to feed your family.


Julie of By The Recipe says this about her food writing:

I’m not sure which came first: my sweet tooth, or my desire to bake.  Before I was a wife and a mother, I was a baker.  I love to bake.

Before kids, I wasn’t much of a cook. After kids, my cooking abilities improved, I guess because I needed to feed my family. Over the years I have come to enjoy cooking, almost as much as baking.  But let’s be honest, the best part of baking and cooking are the accolades of a great mouthful of food. That inspires me.

When I cook, I cook by the recipe. Almost always.

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