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Angels and the afterlife, full moon in virgo and the irish super bowl

By Colette Baron-Reid
Hellloooooooo wonderful awesome you!
Again, I apologize for the tardy blog. I have been on the road and so fried from all the travel that it’s taken me a bit to get my brain fog cleared. Bless that Full Moon in Virgo this past weekend. Yes indeedy! Clean House is the message and will continue to be the message for all of us this entire month. I love how my oracle cards just seem to magically align with the energies we all face when I pull them for our universal theme and post to Facebook.
I got Cleaning House for that very day!
Gotta love the Dude, or as I like to lovingly sometimes refer to Spirit, or God as: Quantum Fred. It just all works when you ask for a sign. Ask and ye shall receive. Noted!
So the energies of this month are similar for us all. Clean up the loose ends of your life before plowing forward with too much haste. Clean up your resentments, let go of the inner caca you’re still holding on to about so and so and the details of who did what.
Forgive yourself for not being perfect. Release the experience of disappointment and failed expectation and remember that rejection is God’s protection. Clean out the cobwebs, finish projects and start spring cleaning. Make space for the awesomeness that is en route to you in April. You will be so happy you did. Each day is a new beginning; and if we are unencumbered by baggage, we are free to co-create our dreams without too much effort!
It’s almost Spring!! (Or if you’re one of my fans from Oz or other country down under – It’s almost Fall!!) And I am feeling that change of seasons stirring in my bones. St. Patrick’s Day always marks it for me. I refer to it as the Irish Super Bowl since people here go as koo-koo for it as they do for football. Green beer, green cookies, green face paint and the pubs all brimming with folks who toast the great Irish Saint of shamrocks and leprechauns -St. Paddy.
Of course, the day has its roots in tradition. The Holy Trinity was described to the pagans by way of the shamrock’s shape, or so history infers. I wonder though, if the pagans, who already had the shape in the symbol of the triskele, had previously figured all that out, or at least their version of it.
Language and labels are always the greatest issue in my view, anyway.
I confess I am a wannabe Irish lass. I don’t have a drop of Irish blood in me, but I have such an affinity for Irish music. You can hear it in great evidence in my CD’s, especially Magdalene’s Garden, and in a song I wrote with Irish playwright Marina Kerr called “Black Swan,” which is on my second CD I Am/Grace. (I’m gifting the song to you this week!)
So let’s celebrate the Irish and our profound connection to Spirit!
This brings me ‘round to the subject of language and the limits we impose on the elusive yet potent qualities of our engagement with all things spiritual.
I filmed a TV show in Toronto last week – a really smart TV show – and I was on a panel with some pretty brilliant guests. Hosted by the controversial Conrad Black and Canada’s most beloved TV host Denise Donlon, the show brings a lot of interesting topics to the screen. This episode was on Angels and The Afterlife. I haven’t seen the edited cut yet, but I’m curious, as I sat next to the skeptic – a professor of philosophy at the University of Toronto, who believes that everything is a product of the brain and religious experience is well, you know- hogwash. Bless him, poor dear, I had such fun teasing him.
I did a ton of readings, as the producers asked me to wander into the audience during the breaks, and some pretty amazing stuff came through. I hope it’s in the final edits. It was wonderful holding my own amongst these erudites and the fine eloquent delivery of their ideas. It’s difficult to argue with such well-educated minds who know what they know and who hold their beliefs so rigidly.
My point that I’ve always held is that the experience of the numinous is ineffable and needs to be experienced, and that perhaps it just isn’t meant to be limited by language, although I wait patiently for the day when science and spirituality really consummate their marriage and allow an open and honest discussion about it. We’re almost there, but not quite. I know that there has always been a spiritual source – something not of myself – that helps me in my greatest moments of need. I’ve seen an angel, so I know they exist; and I demonstrate connections to the other side, when I open up to do readings, all the time. When I say I don’t know what it all is, I mean I don’t know intellectually. I know from another place within me, a deeper place of certainty. I hope they conveyed this in the show. Who knows how TV shows get edited, and we’ll all find out together, as I will get to watch it when you do!
For me, at the end of the day it’s all about how I live my life today. Do no harm. Do unto others. Love all-Serve all. Trust God.
You can see it online after March 18th. http://thezoomertv.com
How about you? What do you believe? Or better still, what do you know deeply about angels and the afterlife, and how does that affect the way you behave in the world?
Love to hear from you.
Love always and forever,
PS – Stay tuned. We are setting up our home studio to start sending you videos each week of me doing oracle card readings of the universal energies affecting us all. I am super excited about it, and I hope you will enjoy it and be inspired by what I “see.” We are all affected by energies that umbrella our life experience collectively. And I will also show you how to personalize it week to week, too!