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Am I Really as Happy as I Look on Social Media?
Written by Caitlin Padgett
A couple of days ago I was having a Google hangout with my former coach (and current friend! ;-))
(You may have already heard me speak about how important my work with my coach was to my own healing, growth and eventual development both personally, and as coach.)
We were catching up after not speaking for a few months.
She said something that really struck me. She said, “You know Caitlin, from what I see on social media – your life now looks really amazing! Is it really as good as it looks?”
You see, my coach-friend knows the backstory. From the time we first started working together almost two years ago, she helped me through crazy ups and downs–wrenching heart-aches, bouts of crippling self-doubt, supreme challenges to my mental and spiritual wellness, my commitment to redefining my relationship with alcohol (challenged to the enth degree), and also the challenges of having a very high risk pregnancy and being in and out of the hospital … And all of this in the first year and a half of my business!
And she knows from her coaching background, that what we usually see on social media often isn’t the whole picture, hence her question.
I took a moment to before responding … “I think it’s probably 95% as good as it looks online.”
The other 5% are inevitable challenges of being a new mom, entering a co-parenting relationship and still running an online business (from Southern Mexico!!) … things I don’t really feel like sharing on social media.
Yet even the challenges aren’t that difficult to deal with because they are all part of the deliberate creation of MY life. I am in control again. And the Universe has my back.
The truth is, I am really really happy. It is a pure, joyful, uncomplicated feeling,and it is so freeing.
As I celebrated my first Mother’s Day this past weekend, I couldn’t help but count my blessings. When Monday morning rolled around, it struck me. I hadn’t even thought about alcohol all weekend.
I have consciously created a life full of joy and wellness. I have so many things to celebrate (without alcohol) that it finally feels effortless.
Treats included: indulging in “dessert for dinner” at my favourite frozen yogurt place, tons of fresh fruit, a house filled with flowers, ice cold coconut water at the beach, a delicious brunch and then my favourite meal for dinner. All infused with love, and a partner who doesn’t need alcohol to celebrate–so it’s completely off the radar.
I spent the entire weekend so exquisitely present and tuned in – and that was the best gift I could have given myself.
I get really emotional when I think of the gift it will be to my daughter. I’m not perfect, by any means, but I’m committed to doing the work to be the best me I can be, for myself first and foremost, and then for my family.
I want this for you too!
I want you to know that it is possible for you. You can start living your best life now.
If you’re still wondering how to get from here to there, you know you can set up a time to chat. >> Book here.
I couldn’t have experienced the weekend I just had without the support I received along the way, and you shouldn’t have to do this alone either.
Caitlin has been working for over twelve years in community-based and global HIV/AIDS, harm reduction, public health and human rights programs. She is the co-founder of Youth RISE, an international youth-led network that advocates for the reduction of drug related harm. She has traveled and worked in over fifteen countries and spent several years in Cambodia and South East Asia working on HIV/AIDS, public health policy and human rights initiatives.
Caitlin is regularly invited to speak, facilitate and moderate workshops, sessions and panels at High Level meetings within the United Nations Agencies, International Organizations and Conferences. Caitlin is currently the Board Chair of Does HIV Look Like Me? International (www.doeshivlooklikeme.org), and Youth RISE (www.youthrise.org).
Caitlin received her diploma in Child and Youth Care Counseling from Douglas College and has a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Humanities and Psychology from New College of California. She has studied film and video production at Langara College, the British Columbia Institute of Technology and the Gulf Islands Film and Television School. She has completed her Fitness Theory (Body BluePrint Fitness) and Health Coaching Certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She trained as a NIA white belt instructor and has 6 year’s experience teaching dance, fitness and wellness workshops and classes.