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If You Do What You Have Always Done, You Will Get What You Have Always Gotten

Written by Jaci Pozdzik,
Have you ever wondered why you keep getting the same results in your life? What is it? Why does it keep happening? Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten?” What a profound statement, right?
This statement has been insightful to me; actually, to be honest, it has been pretty life altering. It has caused me to pause, evaluate my actions, and led me to observe everything I am doing in my life. I am eternally grateful for this, as well as possessing the desire and willingness to open myself up to a more fulfilled life. I want more out of life and I now know I am willing to do what it takes to have it! Now, don’t get me wrong, I am still presented with challenges along the way; however I now know the other side of all the drama and chaos is a sweeter way of life and a much easier way!! To be honest, you must be willing to dive deep inside to capture the incredibly sweet realizations that are awaiting you.
I chose to see my reality for what it is and quite simply make an empowered decision to step into my power to the woman I really AM!
Over a month ago I made a relatively disempowered decision to quit my job, a job that I LOVED!! This decision was done out of fear. You see, I had been in a relationship that was falling apart and I desperately needed to move. I received an offer to take a different job, one that would allow me to move to the job site. Perfect! Right? Well I thought so until recently when I was presented with numerous challenges which led me to question my actions and ask myself, what have I done? After a few days of being angry and sabotaging myself I let the anger and frustration take over. It was this moment that I truly recognized what I had allowed to happen. ARGHHHHH
Yet, what can I change? What can I do? I ask myself, what would courage have me do?
I live in Alberta Canada I have chosen to be working in a man’s world for approximately 18 years. I have operated heavy equipment and drove truck been very successful with it and yes I will say I am very good at my job and I do appreciate it and the good money it brings. Yet over and over and over the same things happen. And god bless I see clearly now thankfully it has only been about a month.
I have listened to what is happening in my body I have let myself feel the tiredness and the anger the defensiveness I have let me embrace this!! Now is time for change!!
Honestly as I said, I am good at being an operator and a truck driver. Let me share with you what this has brought me. I had to become one of the guys. Hmm this was harsh and to tell you the truth I don’t like what I had to look at!! I had to cover myself up as a woman and I just can’t do this any longer. Being a woman is incredible and I am embracing the beauty, the intelligence, and the wisdom I have to share with the world. I am no longer willing to “Dumb Down” to confirm in order to fit in. I share this with absolutely no judgement of these men. I understand that they grew up believing women shouldn’t work nor be good at what they do or even be treated as an equal. Keep in mind, I was able to drink as much as the men tell the raunchiest jokes, get dirty working side by side, as a mechanic repairing equipment, and work as many hours as they did! Oh yes, I was quite good at covering up being a woman.
This is what happens….
For my statement, if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always gotten. I can only try and cover who I really am for short periods of time now… I love it!! I am a woman! I understand that some females may enjoy this work yet I will tell you what I experience with working with these types of men, not all I do have some incredibly great guys I have worked with yet one bad apple does spoil the bunch. I have come to realize that these “Birds of a feather” and I choose to no longer be around the flock.
I promise you, every time I have broken free from this industry eventually I chose to return, only to experience the same patterns. I have been touched in appropriately; terrified to be on job site with some people but I couldn’t show weakness. I have been fired many times for standing up for myself. I have been discriminated against, yeah there are rules, however when it came right down to it, nobody was there to back me up in Alberta. There will always a man who is insecure of a woman’s knowledge and experience. If he has seniority he will of course get the better jobs, better pay, and of course more hours while the woman remains at home sitting and waiting for the call to come back to work.
One of the biggest things I have recognized while working with these men is that I have never been able to be myself. I have had to make excuses for my words for fear of offending anyone. I have had to consistently “Dumb Down” to fit in. The perception was that I never said anything intelligent nor smart enough with many of these men. They have struck like a viper!!! I feel an overwhelming feeling of sadness for these men, yet at the same time they give me strength to go forward with who I truly am.
I have to giggle, just the other day I was knee deep in mud, doing my job shoveling I was told I have a nice ass. Now, really couldn’t you just say that you appreciate I can work beside you and be happy to get the job done. I get that I have to as rude as it was hearing this that yes I do have a beautiful body. Yet what screamed at me in this situation was I am not being treated as an equal!! Really buddy I am just here doing the same job and I didn’t need the uncomfortable situation and the disrespect. Yet, I now realize I continuously place myself in the same situation and the same atmosphere time and time again.
Looking back and reflecting on everything which has taken place in my life, I now know it was important for me to dig deep to learn why I disrespected myself and continued to make disempowered choices. Do I value myself enough? Am I making choices out of fear or panic? Much to my surprise I was enlightened by my answers and YES, I was reacting out of fear. This has been a tough process yet I have gained SO much by taking the necessary steps. I have learned to listen to ME!!!
The more frustration and anger I felt I had to ask why? I had to sit with my thoughts and truly look at what I wanted from my life. I realize this industry isn’t supportive of women nor does it allow me the time to do what I really love. Thankfully, over the past few weeks I have been faced with several reminders of what happens when I go back to this type of work. The difference, I now have the tools to be placed in this environment.
The weather has been wet here and I have had time to take time with me and process the situation. Although I am very appreciative of the experience, wisdom, and salary this position has brought me for many years I am no longer willing to accept this mistreatment. I will no longer be abused in any way from my male coworkers or any man for that matter.
The last few days I have let me be in the presence of supportive people I shared my goals and dreams. I have ridden my horse let me find myself in the motion and the freedom I feel with him. I have let me experience the peace and quiet of the beauty of nature. I have spent amazing time with my calves and my incredible dogs. And I have come to what I want what gives me freedom what I need to support me in the woman that I am.
I recognize that up until now, I have been operating in a “Dumbed Down” state for quite some time. Just about every one of my relationships have been with men from this industry. OH MY as I write this. Yet I have to take responsibility for this, I let me be there in this state of mind in this state of surviving.
I so embrace that we all need to look at the way we view the opposite sex. I do get men absolutely I have worked with them for so long I am like a psychic and can predict what they will do what they will say how they think….. I wonder now, “What would courage have me do?”
Is it time now for me to teach these men by owning me owning who I am really am as an Empowered Woman. Is it time for me to help these men become more empowered men? Help them to not be a reaction to their emotions of lack thereof?
I have a deep compassion for men and a desire to help them. And I do fully realize that I have experienced all of this to be able to set healthy boundaries and more so for me to shine and be ME.
For right now I am reaching out for my job that I loved back. Fingers crossed yet I do as well realize that I may have to reach further. I know that I need this job to be with farming ranching with animals. This is a huge love of mine and I need to be surrounded by Birds of a feather. People who understand this love and satisfaction of mine with this I know that the support will always be there.
Jaci is a student of The S.W.A.T. Institute and lives in rural Alberta.
She hopes to graduate in 2015!
Jaci has a passion for animals and farm life, which will be an element in her coaching of men and women. With this passion, pure honesty and colorful life, she wishes to help other individuals. Once you spend time with Jaci, she will leave an imprint on your life.