A week to go deep

By on April 14, 2014

Dear won­drous Being of Fab­u­los­ity- yes that’s you!

I am so ex­cited to in­tro­duce you to a new gift I am going to send you every week- The Or­a­cle (me) is com­ing to you each week on video now! That’s right each week I am going to do two things for you.

One :- I am going to take a ran­dom ques­tion from any of you who send a re­quest for an or­a­cle mes­sage to questions@​colettebaronreid.​com I’m going to dis­cuss the per­sonal read­ing in a uni­ver­sal way that may serve to help all of us. I be­lieve that we each act as a teach­ing tool for oth­ers. This is your chance to share your sit­u­a­tion on be­half of all of us! I will choose cards to il­lus­trate my an­swer.


Once I choose your ques­tion, and you’re up for it, I am going to talk to you live on Skype video (re­mem­ber when I was on radio and you’d call in for a read­ing?) and do your read­ing that way. You will be on cam­era! Whoo hoo!

My first video is at the bot­tom of the page.

Two :- I am going to pull cards to show the uni­ver­sal en­er­gies that will be af­fect­ing all of us for the week ahead. This is more about con­sid­er­ing the over­ar­ch­ing themes in the col­lec­tive for the week than being per­son­ally pre­dic­tive. I’ve been test­ing this for a few months now and com­par­ing the mes­sages my cards relay to both as­trol­ogy and nu­merol­ogy and found it to be un­can­nily ac­cu­rate. Con­sider that It’s kind of like a weather re­port – a Uni­ver­sal En­ergy Weather Re­port! You’ll see how every­thing fits when you go to my pub­lic Face­Book page and read the card for the day then choose your own on my web­site.

That’s when it gets re­ally per­sonal! Just re­mem­ber Spirit guides us when we’re will­ing to use our in­tu­ition and open up to a non- or­di­nary re­al­ity. In­tu­ition is all about see­ing through the pe­riph­ery of things, al­low­ing new con­tours around our imag­i­na­tions, see­ing be­tween things, look­ing to what you don’t know, sens­ing what is yet un­seen. And It’s also about mak­ing the in­for­ma­tion prac­ti­cal! For me that’s the key to bal­anc­ing the spir­i­tual and the mun­dane, the mys­ti­cal and what’s com­mon sense.

You may not al­ways like what it says but if you read around the mes­sage and be­tween the cards , al­low­ing the story to un­fold through your own ex­pe­ri­ence you’ll be as­tounded at how syn­chronic­ity lines up and guid­ance is avail­able just when you need it.

The only thing you need is an open mind, let­ting non-lin­ear con­cepts to move your imag­i­na­tion, and open you up to pos­si­bil­i­ties be­yond the lim­i­ta­tions of rea­son and log­i­cal thought. It’s also im­por­tant to let the in­for­ma­tion sync with your idea of what is sa­cred to you. When going to choose a card for your­self, say a prayer of thanks ac­knowl­edg­ing the process, ask­ing to know only your high­est good from all your guides, and Source.

The mys­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence isn’t found in face value. The cards on their own are just pieces of paper with nice art­work.  How you ap­proach them will dic­tate how ac­cu­rate they will be and how mean­ing­ful they are. It’s ok to be light-hearted, and have fun, but re­mem­ber mes­sages from Spirit are al­ways about di­vine guid­ance so treat the process with re­spect and rev­er­ence.

You’ll no­tice this week’s uni­ver­sal read­ing is some­thing very much in align­ment with the as­tro­log­i­cal um­brella we’re under for the next while. Ul­ti­mately these are en­er­gies to work with not fight against. We can learn from the op­por­tu­ni­ties the or­a­cle mes­sage has for us by going deeper and ask­ing our­selves ques­tions about how the sym­bols speak to us, what we can learn from them, how we can evolve and flour­ish with grace and aware­ness.

So I hope you’ll enjoy the videos.

I have so much fun mak­ing them! I never know what to ex­pect.



RECAP of the Uni­ver­sal En­er­gies.

The first card we got was Spirit of Place. In this con­text it’s ask­ing us not to plan too far in the fu­ture. Right now it’s ask­ing us all to stay pre­sent as best as we can be­cause our goals and as­pi­ra­tions may change this week. We are going to no­tice that we are going to re­think things.

The sec­ond card I picked was Dry Desert. So it maybe that we are feel­ing like we are not get­ting any­where this week ei­ther. The Dry Desert tends to tell us that we need to get re­silient. That is the mes­sage of the Dry Desert. What is flour­ish­ing in the desert? Well things that don’t need a lot of water to sur­vive. Like cac­tus. You can get hurt when you open up a cac­tus to get the water in­side the cac­tus or you need to dig deep un­der­ground. So this tells me that we are re­ally re­quired this week to stay put and take a look at our­selves, dig deep for our water means look within deep. So a lot of med­i­ta­tion this week. And also re­al­ize that re­silience is what’s re­quire of us to get through this week.

Now the end of the week is re­solved in the Gen­tle Gard­ner.  This is a very in­ter­est­ing be­cause it talks about how we man­i­fest. It asks us to take a look at what is it that we are re­peat­ing over and over again within our­selves, our thoughts feel­ings and be­liefs, be­cause they be­come the as­pects of our lives that we are going to iden­tify with and look for in the outer world. So con­di­tions are going to re­flect what con­di­tions are within us. So I think this week is a re­ally big re­flec­tive week. Not a whole lot of hit­ting our mark in terms of as­pi­ra­tion but it’s set­ting us up for sure for the fol­low­ing week.

So I am very cu­ri­ous to find out if this has been the same for you and I am sure as heck going to check it out to see if it’s going to be the same for me. Until I talk to you next week bye for now.


Til next week

I send you all my love and best wishes.


PS I want to hear from you! How did the en­ergy weather re­port for the week hold up? How did the daily card and then your per­sonal card line up for you? What’s hap­pen­ing for you? Write, sing, send a smoke sig­nal!

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