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A Potter Finds Herself in the Clay
By Kathy Staran.
Many of us go through life always wondering, “What if,” and “If only I had…” I, too, have been guilty of this exact same thought pattern many times over the years. For some of us, it has been clear since we were children what direction our lives and/or careers would take. Then, for others, like me, it took many years of trying things, and living life to figure this out. I had done many things over the years, including working in the field of law, (many years ago!) selling, doing office work, construction management, and interior design, as well as a few more creative things, such as making gift baskets, doing photography, etc. The list could go on and on, but why? You get the idea. I was always wondering, searching, and trying to figure out where I fit in and what I should be doing.
As the years went on, I became more and more frustrated when each of these things did not give me the happiness, comfort and sense of success that I was looking for. A dear friend and I had discussed many times over the years of our friendship the fact that we would like to take a pottery class one day. Well, one day finally came. We signed up together for classes at a local art studio and began the process of pottery. And what a process it is! There is SO much to learn and understand and practice. I found myself one day a few years later, speaking with another friend who said, “I think you have found your niche! I have never heard you so excited about a new venture, EVER!” And, at that moment, I realized she was right; I had finally FOUND my calling, niche, “thing,” or whatever you want to call it.
I remain very drawn to pottery and making art; I simply cannot stay away from it. I love this medium to the depths of my soul. Of course there are times when things go wrong, or an idea I have in my head has to be done differently than what I had imagined, but for the most part, I have discovered that
If I can imagine it, it can be done!
What a satisfying feeling that is! I plan to continue in my artistic pursuits till the day I die.
In my personal life, I have decided to continue to work on myself, from the inside out, but with more determination and vigilance than ever before. I am working to become a healthier, more content and peaceful version of my former self, and hope to share this with friends and family as well. I now will be making exercise and fitness a priority, when they once took a back seat to whatever else came up. It’s never too late to become a better version of yourself, right? In my case, I sure hope so!
I have also made the decision to be content and happy with wherever I am at this moment in time in my life, and to quit searching, reaching, and telling myself that, “once this happens”….this is NOW, this moment is once I get through whatever, this moment is my time to shine and enjoy my life and all that it has to offer, wherever or whatever that may be! Living in the past is much more difficult than living in the now, as the past is just that…passed.
There is joy in each day, if only we take the time to look for it.
Even in bad situations we can find a silver lining. There is always something to be learned or gleaned from each new experience we have in life. It just takes a bit of looking at it from a different viewpoint to realize the lesson, or to see the silver lining.
This is also true regarding people. I make friends very easily. I believe this is due to the fact that I always look for the good in people, as well as things we may have in common. I usually can discover this quite quickly. I tend to chat with people in line, people I see in a store, etc. It’s just what I do. I have been judged for this in the past, with various people in my life asking, “Why do you talk with people wherever you are?” I used to respond very defensively, coming up with various reasons to hopefully explain it. I now just say, “It’s what I do.” I no longer worry about what others think, and this has been quite freeing. I enjoy people and chatting with them, as I always learn something new each and every day.
By engaging in life, I find it to be a much happier place.
It also makes me feel like I am contributing, in some small way, to the betterment of man. If I can make one person smile each day, I have accomplished quite a bit!
Kathy Staran has been writing for over 25 years on a freelance basis, has written articles for various online magazines, and also has published two fiction novels with her husband, Mike. She is also an Interior Designer, specializing in remodeling projects and real estate staging, and is an accomplished ceramic artist as well, specializing in functional pottery pieces and sculpture. She currently splits her time between Troy, Michigan and Marina del Rey, California, and shares her life with her husband and their two cats, Grayson and Tucker.