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A closer walk: Dina Delicce on finding God within.

I once read, “Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell; spirituality is for people who have been there and back.”
I love this quote! It speaks so clearly to the little 8-year-old girl inside me who in the middle Mass would think, “Really? I’m not sure that’s what God or Jesus meant.” Because, I remember questioning the messages I was being fed. And, I remember apologizing to Jesus, “I’m sorry … but I’m just not sure about that.” I remember feeling guilty because while the rest of the congregation would recite scripted prayers and renew their baptismal vows, I would be thinking. . . thinking about the metaphorical meaning behind the stories, thinking about the larger message I was supposed to be getting, thinking at times simply, “Um…”
Of course, when I was 8, I didn’t possess the vocabulary I do now. So when I said, “I’m pretty sure Jesus is not the ONLY son of God,” I didn’t realize I was speaking a truth not taught in my church. I didn’t realize I was speaking my truth. As I got older (and braver) I would ask questions like, “Aren’t we all God’s children?” The answer always left me unfulfilled. I wanted to challenge it more, but couldn’t find the words to express my thoughts.
Well, Deepak Chopra recently gave me lyrics to the song that has been playing in my soul for many many years. Here is an excerpt from his book, Jesus:
“… as unique as Christ is, making him the one and only Son of God leaves the rest of humankind stranded. A huge abyss separates Jesus’ holiness from our ordinariness. Millions of Christians accept this separation, but it doesn’t have to exist. What if Jesus wanted his followers – and us – to reach the same unity with God that he had reached?”
I read this passage often, especially to the little 8-year-old girl inside me who feels guilty for questioning The Vatican. I smile and tell her, “Keep questioning little one! Listen to your inner faith and spirituality. Because you’re headed to hell. But don’t worry, you’ll come back stronger!”
I believe we are all born children of God, and we “rise again” and “live in heaven” when we connect our bodies and minds with our soul. Because, I believe our soul is where God lives.
We are ALL “the way, the truth, and the light.” We can live in heaven for the rest of our earthly lives just by following our soul’s path.
So how can you find your soul’s path?
Dream. Dream BIG. And follow your dreams.
You know that thing you really want to do? The story you want to tell, the company you want to build, the goal you want to accomplish – you know, your BIG dream. Well, that is your soul’s path. Your dream, your burning desire, is your soul’s way of whispering to you your purpose. You are here for a reason. You are meant to fulfill a purpose. Your soul knows! Listen to her. Follow her.
You are God’s Daughter. What will you do with that power?
Dina is a learner, writer, and coach. She inspires people to create the life they want and encourages them to find their unique physical, mental, and spiritual truth, their unique path in life, or as she calls it, the nourishMEANT for them. Visit her at: http://www.dinadelicce.com/