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Letting Go

Written by Cari Murphy
The power of “letting go” and opening our hearts to the perfect divine unfolding of that which is most closely aligned with our soul’s highest destiny and contribution is one of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves. Here is an excerpt from my latest book on this very topic…
Spiritual Surrender is the process of releasing attachments, a key component of harmonious living. Attachments to people, objects, labels, expectations, outcomes, beliefs, and perspectives can be unhealthy if motivated by fear of loss. Want a clear indicator of attachment? Anytime you are in reaction mode, you are attached to something. You are looking through a small lens at how things “should” be, and reacting when all doesn’t go according to your plan. This causes tension as well as anxiety, frustration, and even anger. A stressful or tight sensation in the body is a clear signal that you are trying to control your life or control certain outcomes.
The symptoms of unhealthy attachments are fear and anxiety, caused by the need to control. The need to control stems from fear of loss. Unfortunately, the desire for continuity and security cannot be satisfied externally. True security and protection are generated and sustained from within. They can’t be validated outside ourselves.
We must free our spirits and lighten our grips because fear is a magnet for experiences which validate our belief in an unsafe world. We must embrace more positive, empowering beliefs about the world, and our connection to it. Let go of the limiting beliefs which cause struggle and turmoil, and replace them with beliefs which attract abundance, joy and love into your life!
Attachments to a particular identity, status, label, outcome or expectation keep you unconsciously trapped in a very small box. There is no freedom inside a box! As long as we need things to happen a certain way, or feel dependent upon external validation, we are allowing the ego’s demand for control to take us out of the flow. Demands on others or on life diminish and deplete our energy. By letting go, we are liberated.
All my love to you ALL,
Cari Murphy is the International Bestselling Author of six books, including Treasures of Heaven: Lessons from the Other Side and Create Change Now. She is the Award Winning Host of the globally syndicated “THE CARI MURPHY SHOW: STRAIGHT TALK FOR THE SOUL” awarded the title of “Best Spiritual Radio Show” with 750, 000 listeners. Cari is also a seminar presenter and speaker, “Soul Success Coach”, and the President/CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions. Following a near death experience in 1997, Cari’s purpose became clear. She has been devoted to increasing the consciousness of the planet and creating positive global change ever since. She thrives on inspiring her clients, audiences and readers to become the soul-driven conscious creators they are intended to be. If you are ready to shine and live a lifestyle deserving of your soul’s brilliance, Cari will help you step onto that grand stage and co-create your destiny in a way that is perfectly aligned with your soul. Visit www.carimurphy.com today!