Great Music by Great Women, Volume 1: Sara Bareilles

By on August 12, 2013

By Editor in Chief, Natalie Hughes.


You’ll get to know, when I love something I talk about it. Well, being a singer/songwriter myself, and a piano junkie to boot, Sara Bareilles is up there, pretty far on my list.

It’s not just her infectious pop sensibility.

It’s not just the way her voice has a pure, conversational lilt in it’s expression.

It’s not just her intelligence, intuition and skill as a musician, which, by the way, are quite impressive.

It’s things like this quirky cover.

[youtube id=”b1qD4LtaRIU” width=”620″ height=”360″]


It’s tweets that say things like, “If I was selling milkshakes on this plane, I’d also wear a t-shirt that said ‘Shakes on a Plane.’ wah wah waaaaah.”

This girl has got personality. She knows who she is, she lets people see it, she speaks truth and she’s the real deal. Her seriousness contains hope, her lightness has weight, and she spins her lyrics in a way that leads listeners a little deeper into themselves.

My recommendation is this: if you don’t yet have some of her sweet magic, get yourself some. Her new Album is called, “The Blessed Unrest.”


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