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How to Reset Your Personal Vibration
By Christy Whitman
First, what exactly is my personal vibration?
Think of your personal vibration like your very own energetic signature, unique only to you. It’s the energy you carry with you into every relationship, project, or situation, and it’s far more influential than your words – or even your actions. Your personal vibration emanates from you, invisibly and powerfully, to everyone and everything in your vicinity, even if you never say a word. It’s created anew in each moment, as the sum total of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, expectations, and moods that are most active within you at any particular time.
I like to equate your personal vibration to your signature, because in the same way signing a document can open important doors, such as agreeing to a binding contract, financing a home, or withdrawing a pocketful of cash, your personal vibration is your most powerful form of currency.
Human beings are energy transmitters and receivers.
Every human being is a living, breathing transmitter and receiver of energy. This means that in each moment we’re generating a vibration that is broadcasted to the far corners of the universe. This is the reason why you feel tense when you walk into a room where people have just been fighting, and at ease when you walk into a happy and joyous home. And rest assured that those around you can feel your energy, too. In fact, everything that comes back to us in the form of our life experiences is always in sync with the vibe we’re sending out.
The vibration you’re transmitting at every moment dictates whether you meet with green lights or dead ends. It has the power to elicit love and cooperation from those around you or to activate defensiveness and opposition. It determines whether you glide through life with a sense of ease, flow, pleasure, and well-being, or a feeling of stress, trepidation, resignation, or dread. In other words, the frequency of your own personal vibration is really, really important!
And here’s the thing: in the same way you can become habituated to being in a bad mood or find yourself ruminating on the same familiar troubling thoughts, you can become stuck in a low-frequency vibration. This affects the quality of the experiences you attract, and so begins a downward spiral.
Enter the vibrational reset, which not only lifts your mood and your spirits but opens up an entirely new range of possibilities and experiences for you.
Here are 3 energy mastery steps you can take right now to reset your personal vibration and instantly improve your point of attraction:
Step #1: Get your energy moving.
All energy falls along a spectrum. Think of the sound of different keys on a piano or the variations of the shades of light in a rainbow. And our personal vibration falls along a spectrum as well.
At the high end of your vibrational spectrum are good-feeling emotions like joy, appreciation, empowerment, freedom, and love. And at the low end of this continuum, we dip into the range of horrible-feeling emotions like shame, despair, grief, depression, and hopelessness. In fact, these vibrations are so slow-moving in terms of their energetic frequency that we can actually feel paralyzed when we experience them.
So the first step to resetting your vibration is to shake things up by getting your energy moving.
Put on music that engages or inspires you. Change the environment you’re in and give your senses new impressions to take in. Bring more awareness to your breath and the vitality that it carries. Drink a big glass of water. Take a shower with hot water then cold. Clear the clutter from your desk. Go for a drive. Spend a few moments outside. If possible, go for a brisk walk or do a few yoga poses.
Your body and mind are intimately connected in an ongoing feedback loop. Anything you do that raises the vibration of one will automatically increase the frequency of the other. And when your body is energized, your mind and emotions will follow suit.
Step #2: Watch your words.
The thoughts you think generate a vibration, which is carried along a particular energetic wavelength. And when you voice them aloud, the momentum of those thought waves moves even faster. Your words are creative in nature, which is why it’s so important to choose them deliberately and well.
When we offer words like, “This isn’t working,” “Why is this so hard?” or “I’ll never succeed,” we are literally chanting affirmations-in-reverse. Rather than leading us closer to the things we desire to create, they nurture the very outcomes we’re trying to avoid. And, most of us have become so accustomed to using our words to mis-create that these conversations actually occur to us as “normal.”
It’s “normal” to use others as a sounding board for our insecurities or self-doubts. It’s “normal” to gossip, complain and point out petty annoyances. It’s “normal” to argue for our limitations to the point that we lose sight of our many blessings and gifts. A vibrational reset establishes within us a new and more empowering normal.
Use the power of your words to speak often about the things you appreciate, and to acknowledge the blessings that are all around you. In so doing, you raise your vibration to the frequencies where love, success, freedom, prosperity, and joy abound.
Step #3: Cultivate the energy of gratitude.
Your mind is a focusing mechanism, and the direction of your focus has a huge impact on your personal vibration. With the power of our focus, we can tune into energies that are enlivening and expansive, or we can tune into circumstances that are horrible and devastating. It really is our choice.
If you’re focused on what’s missing, what’s wrong, or what didn’t go well in the past, your vibration will naturally plummet. But when you look for things to appreciate, your personal vibration lightens, broadens, and expands. And this is where practicing gratitude comes in.
The energy of gratitude is one of the highest vibrations in all the universe. With the same velocity that negative thinking repels the outcomes we desire, gratitude magnetizes them to us. In a state of gratitude, you become magnetic – not just to other people and opportunities, but to everything you desire.
By taking just a few minutes each day to reset your personal vibration, you will naturally begin to magnetize from the universe at large more of everything that you desire.
Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author, Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and messenger for The Quantum Council of Light. www.watchyourwords.com and www.christywhitman.com
Christy Whitman is the messenger of Light for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy & The Council teach classes, and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.
For over fifteen years and before receiving the telepathic messages from The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success and The Desire Factor.
Christy is a regular guest on top podcasts such as Entrepreneur On Fire, Aww Shift, Your Superpowered Mind among many others. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, Purist Magazine, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few.