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6 week shape up: the ending is the beginning

By Editor in Chief, Natalie Hughes.
I decided to read back through my articles over the past 6 weeks of my Go Fit 6 Week Shape Up to get in touch with this whole leg of my journey, the good, the great, the ugly and the meh.
I’ve come a long way from that girl in article #1, where I had to walk with only intermittent bursts of running to finish my 40 minutes of cardio and I’d never bought fresh herbs… where I had to go on the Gals’ Youtube channel to learn to plank and lunge… where my poor family had been eating mediocre meals that were only half-healthy.
So here I am, debunking every single one of my own excuses/self talk bull-oney I wrote about at the end of my first week.
“I guess this is what 43 looks like. Oh well. Could be worse.” Ha! It’s amazing what 6 weeks of eating clean and training dirty will do to make a 43 year old look a whole lot better for her age. Minus 13 inches worth of better. Mmmhmmm. Snap-snap.
“You know, this is normal for women in peri-menopause. The waistline expands. May as well accept it. You’re no spring chicken.” I lost 4 of those 13 inches off my waist alone. It wasn’t the menopause. It was the Cheetos.
“Your schedule is so busy, you do not have time to tackle cooking and exercise.” I don’t have time NOT to tackle these things. Prep day means almost all of my meals for the week are already made. And I can easily delegate some supper making to my hubby because it’s all set. Not to mention that exercise has done exactly what I hoped it would: given me back even more energy than I put out. I AM HOPPING UP STAIRS, PEOPLE.
“There is no need to be that fit, gorgeous woman who walks into a room and makes people stare. No one likes that anyway. You can always offer other fine qualities.” Well, looking extra nice in my cocktail dress never hurts. I feel better when I take care of myself… and that means I can be more myself and more giving when I’m around others.
“Don’t worry, no one can see your butt behind this piano.” No one still can see my butt back here. But I know it’s smaller 🙂
“Just relax and eat what you want. Stop all the control freaking.” Taking responsibility for my health is a lot different than berating myself for my food choices. It’s amazing how good it feels to plan and make meals that are aligned with health.
“I guess this is what OLD feels like.” Nope, that’s just what out-of-shape feels like.
So what now, you ask?
“Did you go on a massive cheating binge and eat all the forbidden foods on your first day of freedom?”
No. Surprised? I made a new meal plan with some of the 6-week challenge recipes and some other healthy low-fat, high-protein, low salt/sugar ones I have kicking around. I had a super-duper prep day where I got my salads & veggie trays ready in to-go containers, along with 2 suppers already pre-cooked in my 2 crockpots. My quinoa is prepared and chillin’ and my hard boiled eggs are awaiting consumption. Health is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute choice. And I figure if I’m this happy taking care of me, I’m going to pursue it.
Some other fun stuff I’ve decided will keep me interested:
1. I’m buying one new item from the produce aisle each week that I’ve never purchased before and I’m going to google a healthy recipe and make a meal of it. (This week it’s baby bok choy.) My sincere apologies to my family–the guinea pigs–for what I am about to put you through. But it’s just until I run out of interesting produce.
2. I’m seeking out fun ways to play. Because it’s not exercise if you’re having fun. I want to go out dancing. I want to try Zumba. I want to move while smiling. Winter is here and I’m thinking about cross country skiing. I said I’m THINKING about it. I haven’t committed to it yet. Those who know me know how I spend winters indoors in my fuzzy socks and white marshmallow pants. I’m willing to entertain the idea, however, that winter for some people is fun and it’s possible I could have me some of that.
I want to thank PJ and Risse of the Go Fit Gals for their encouragement, support and faith in me. These are women with a purpose–to spread happiness through health and empowerment, and I am so grateful that we are running the same path. I’m so much happier than I was 6 weeks ago, and my next 43 years (or so) are all about aligning with that joy. Who knew that hot fudge sundaes don’t ACTUALLY make you happy, but crunchy fall leaves beneath your sneakers and fresh greens on your fork do?
Will wonders never cease.
(Here are my other articles in this series about my 6 week journey:)
Natalie Hughes, editor, writer, performer and songwriter, is a gifted interpreter of the human experience, expressing passion, humor, heartbreak, healing and freedom to a depth that few writers reach. Natalie is also the Musical Director for Crystal Andrus Productions, providing music for short films, international speaking engagements, and powerful meditations. Hear her in music and conversation weekly as the co-host on Empowerment Class and The Crystal Andrus Show. Natalie lives along the picturesque waterways of Peterborough, Canada with her husband – photographer Michael Hurcomb – and her two children. For more, visit nataliehughes.com and find Natalie on iTunes, Twitter and Facebook.