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5 Ways You Can Be Happy NOW

By Char’ Berry.
The pursuit of happiness should be an extraordinary journey that isn’t wrapped around the “set” conditions we have for our happiness. If you continue to look at your situations, circumstances, or other people to determine your happiness, then I know one thing is for sure…you will NEVER be happy.
This was something that I had to learn for myself and something that I also see other extraordinary women struggle with.
A couple of years ago while we were stationed in Virginia, after we received our money from filing our tax return…hubby and I decided that we would use it as splurge money. We were excited that we decided that this year we would use it on whatever we wanted. One day we were riding in the truck…I don’t recall where we were going but hubby made the following statement…”I don’t know who said that money can’t bring you happiness but whoever said that was lying because whenever we do have a nice chunk of change we are happy as hell.”
At that point in my life, I agreed with him. I admit, I didn’t know any better but now I know that that statement was furthest from the truth when you are seeking true and extraordinary happiness. Just like the thought that hubby and I had, many people think the same thing…if I had this amount of money I will be happy or whatever it is for you…whatever you are seeking to make you happy will only give you temporary happiness.
Let’s go ahead and discuss the five ways that you can be happy now!
1. Simply decide that you are going to be happy. When you make this decision you are letting Source…God, Higher Power, Inner Goddess…whichever term you use, know that you are ready for pure happiness. Once you make this decision you will start noticing how you feel…how things naturally happen that aligns with this one powerful decision that you made. For me, when I decided that I was going to be happy, I would notice all of the little things in my outer reality that aligned with my intention.
2. Do what brings you joy. When you are doing the things that you love to do you are naturally eliciting your own spiritual high. Whether it be dancing around the house in a t-shirt and socks, going to the beach and enjoying the sound of the waves, or getting a nice sun tan. It doesn’t matter, just let out your inner child and have some fun!!! I remember for me it took me a while to figure out what I could do to have fun because I couldn’t remember the last time I had any fun for myself or even what I loved to do because it had been a while since I had focused on myself. Just ease back into it if you’re feeling that way too.
3. Laugh more. This one was easy for me because everyone in my home, including me, are big goof balls and there is never a dull moment. If you need any assistance with that I’m sure you will be able to find some crazy and hilarious videos on YouTube.
4. Get out into nature more. You are a living being with an extraordinary soul and our soul loves to connect with nature. Our body needs the fresh air, a new scenery and the peace and quiet. This is a great way to replenish yourself and your thoughts. Also this is a great way to clear your head when you feel stuck in life or even to get some ideas. My favorite is to walk the five-mile lake (Lake Miramar) here in Mira Mesa and I have the entire hour to let go and dump a lot of stuff and clear my mind and plus as an extra bonus I get to see the entire city all the way into Sorrento Valley, a little bit of La Jolla, and of course the Marine Corps Air Station from one part of the lake. That makes the entire walk well worth it. Lol.
5. Have sex. Yep, you heard me right! You already know what that can do for you so get gong and have as much fun as you need to, okay. Lol!
True happiness only comes from within and you won’t be able to find it in the material things in life or in other people. You have control and the power to make yourself happy now. Make the decision to be happy, do the things that bring you joy, laugh more, get out into nature more, and have a boatload of hot, passionate, and kinky sex (go 50 Shades of Grey if you want to, lol) and you are well on your way to an extraordinary life with an unlimited well of happiness.
Char’ Berry is an Extraordinary Life Specialist & host of the Char’ Berry Extraordinary Living Radio Show, whose dedicated to helping extraordinary women like you to create the life of their wildest dreams by empowering and inspiring them to achieve their personal and relationship goals. To learn more about Char’ Berry, you can visit her website at www.charberry.com and you can also connect with her on Facebook.