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3 Tips For The Greatest Impact to Your Health, Go Fit Gals.

From the Go Fit Gals.
If I had to give the “Coles Notes” (Canadian version of Cliff’s notes) version of getting fit and healthy it would look like this: eat real food, in smaller quantities, with lots of water in between. Move your body as often as possible, and move it hard at least 4 times a week.
But, alas this wouldn’t make a great read for a blog. It’s tweetable, but not really blog-able if I may.
Instead, I will give you 3 detailed tips that I recommend you do every morning. Each tip is easy to carry out and will have a great impact to your health.
Tip number 1:
Before you get out of bed, set at least one intention for the day. It’s not only me who recommends this, experts also acknowledge that setting an intention daily can help to set a positive tone to the day. It aids in helping us make clear decisions throughout the day and an intention is helpful in accomplishing any endeavour.
I set three intentions every morning before my feet hit the floor. I have done this for years and I started because my life is FULL .
I always seem to have a zillion “things to do” on my list and these day to day to-do’s can get in the way of my true goals and dreams… making me feel like I am on a fast treadmill, going nowhere.
But, thinking about three things that I want to do that will either A) make me happy and/or B) help me towards a life goal (like staying fit, building my career etc) keeps me focused and sharp on the real prize – my life.
Tip number 2:
Drink a large glass of water with lemon. This tip is a little less “Oprah” than the last tip, but it is just as important.
Water hydrates you including your cells, your tissue and your joints. It helps to keep your metabolism running smooth and aids in maintaining the right balance of bodily fluids. Water is also needed for proper kidney and bowel function and it assists in weight loss.
Add a squeeze of lemon to your water (real lemons only please) and now you have added a powerful detoxifier to your morning routine, as well as added nutrients to help fight colds and inflammation.
Lemon water also helps to freshen your breath (kind of important thing first thing in the morning), and it will give you an added energy boost.
How much water and lemon should you have in the morning? First off, have it before you eat breakfast and 8-12 ounces of water with a half lemon squeezed in it should do the trick. I also keep the lemon in the water while I sip it.
Tip number 3:
Stretch. The body was meant to move and since inactivity and sitting is the new smoking we in the fitness industry would love to see people start moving as soon as they get up.
Try some gentle spinal range of motions exercises (like the angry cat, happy cat stretch), or some Sun Salutations, or simply bend forward and let your body hang there.
Ever since my early 30’s I have stretched in the shower (don’t judge – I told you I am busy so I must multi-task some of my good health habits). I do a forward bend (touch my toes), side bend (arms overhead and stretch to the each side), and a backward bend (arms overhead and extend the spine). I do these three stretches two to three times during every shower. These stretches help to keep my back and hamstrings flexible and my spine and hip joints mobile.
Your early morning stretch can be as simple as that too. This doesn’t have to be a full on yoga class. Simply move the spine forward, side-to-side and then extend it. Hold each stretch to where it’s completely comfortable and hang there for a while.
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The Go Fit Gals are your experts in fitness and nutrition for women from new mommies to menopause. We provide the coaching and the inspiration to get our members strong, healthy and confident through our unique online programs based on eating clean and training dirty. www.gofitgals.com